Monday, November 7, 2011

Season of Rest & New Book

I appreciate all of you that read and enjoy the blog. I am taking a rest with posting the blog for a while. I will continue writing personally and will be back to public posting soon here on the Appalachian Visionary blog. I am considering writing some Christian Fiction and will spend some time focusing on that. After my season of rest and specific focus, I will also continue writing a review of messages I present on Sundays as I feel led to do so.

I will also be focusing on the release of my first book, "A New Kind of Normal." My previous writings are being comprised and interwoven with new writings for the book, which will be released in the near future. Further details about the book will be given soon.

Blessings on each of you.
~Pastor Darrell Harmon

Friday, October 7, 2011


Dreams…. They always seem to amaze and intrigue me. I dreamed some during the first forty years of my life. I don’t recall many of them though. But, after forty (the last thirteen years especially) there have been so many dreams. Some are encouraging with revelation and insight while others seem very mysterious. I have tried to be a good steward of my dreams these last thirteen years and have recorded them in journals. I have also prayed over them and shared some of them with others to mull over. Dreams often seem like a world of their own, it seems, and yet they seem connected to our everyday lives and our future unlike anything else.

Joseph dreamed some dreams that were important to the survival of the entire world in his time. Daniel also dreamed dreams that involved world rulers of the present and future…. even to the end of time. Joseph and Mary were warned about the safety of the infant Jesus. Pilate’s wife had a dream and warned her husband to be careful what he did in the trial of Jesus. John the Apostle experienced more of what we would call vision, as he also looked at the past, present, and future.

Some dreams are meant to get our attention. It may not always be a warning, but it may help us see a need or a change we need to make in our life or the way we live our lives. Needless to say, dreams are mysterious. With that being said, I would like to simply share a dream I had today. I will not try to interpret it but will allow you to mull over it. I have had very few dreams of this scope. Most dreams are more remote to the call on my life and ministry. This dream involved our nation.

I was out walking and returned home to find my home was smaller and downsized for practical purposes. There were more people living in my house than usual. The television was on and the reporter was talking about a power outage throughout the entire nation. I had already known this before I entered the house because nothing was working outside. I wanted to see if the water was still running and it was. So, we had water, tv (strange since there was a power outage) and the cell phones were still working. The news reporter was also talking about how larger cars were no longer useful. He especially mentioned a Lincoln car and laughed as though they all needed to be trashed because they were now worthless. A friend from another city had left me a message apologizing for our lack of communication lately. I also heard her husband talking in the background of how that he had seen two policemen upon the mountain near where they live. I awakened more bothered than usual when I awake from a dream but I felt the hand of God strongly upon me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Small Steps

The higher we go the more important it may be to take smaller steps. Climbing mountain ranges requires smaller and more-sure steps as we approach the higher altitudes. When man walked on the moon, it was small steps for a man but giant steps for humanity. In our spiritual lives, maturity and longevity often calls for smaller and more-sure steps.

Sometimes a simple call or word from the Lord requires simple obedience. For Abraham it was a call to leave his kindred and home. He took the simple step and left behind a legacy of nations. He was without child when he started but was given the child of promise and nations followed. Elisha was called by Elijah to come with him. Elisha burned the plows and sacrificed the oxen he was working with. For a season, he simply followed the older prophet. He probably cooked, washed the old prophets feet and served him. However, he later received a double portion and did twice as many notable miracles as the one who anointed him to follow. The Children of Israel were told by Moses to kill a lamb and put the blood on their doorposts. Soon they were free and on their way to the promised land after 400 years of bondage. In the wilderness they were given manna and quail each day (except for Sabbath) and that was their simple provision. A cloud gave them direction by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the cloud moved they moved. When the cloud rested even for a long season, they stayed in that place. It was step by step - often - small steps.

The disciples heard Jesus call them by simply saying, “Follow me.” They left behind family, jobs, and plans. With a small step of just simply following him, they became the ones who turned the world upside down. Jesus told them that those who left houses, land, family, etc. would receive a hundred times as much in this life and in the eternal life. There would be persecutions but the results were great. (see Mark 10:29) In Luke 10, Jesus tells the disciples how simple it is to minister. They just needed to go to some cities, find a house, and announce peace. If there was peace, then they needed to eat and stay there. Then, they were to heal the sick and announce the coming of the Kingdom. Simple. So simple. Such small steps.

Small steps can take us into the destiny we were born to have. Small steps can bring great favor and open up abundant doors of grace. Stewardship can kick in and the small things we have been faithful in will lead to greater things. (see Luke 19 and the parable of the Landowner) When we come to a place where mystery is appreciated and we don’t have to have all the answers, we have arrived at a new level of maturity. At this level we will enjoy taking small steps. We will be satisfied to take one step at a time. It will deepen our trust and increase our intimacy with the Lord. It may be a simple word, scripture, or promise that we will hold dearly and with that go forward. Faith will increase as we rest and trust in the simple revelations. For some of us it will truly be “one day at a time” as the old song of the last century told us. However, it will be meaningful and we will learn to rest in Him in a way unlike anything we have ever known.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking the Higher Ways

The Scriptures tell us that God dwells on High (see Isaiah 57:15). There is no question that His ways are higher than our ways. However, we are also invited to join Him in all that He is doing. This includes taking the higher ways. We can live the lifestyle of Heaven now. The Kingdom dwells within us as believers. We are not called to be just normal. We need to transcend.

Before the first coming of Christ the power of God came upon people. They received words, visions, and dreams at times. Some, like David and Elijah, reached beyond their time and walked in great power and anointing. The power of God was upon them. After the Resurrection of Christ, the power of God now resides and works within the believer. Everything has changed. The earth has never seen such a people. Even creation groans for us to be released into our full potential. It is no longer about a visitation of God; it is about enjoying His habitation with us. We are not asking for His presence, but resting in it and enjoying it in greater measure as we are awakened to the revelation of His ways. Things God has already done and decreed no longer need to be begged for. We need to step into His promises and declare the beauty of the Lord.

When the word high is used in scripture, it usually refers to a place where someone has transcended. In laymen terms, it means going beyond our previous place or experience. We are going higher because we are advancing to another level. These levels usually come because of revelation that the Spirit opens up to us. There are things that are almost unimaginable but God reveals them to us by His Spirit. So, the question is, are we willing to go beyond our previous experience? It is a choice. It is a mindset. It is an adventure.

In Luke 9, Jesus took three of His disciples upon a mountain we know as the Mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus took them outside their normal boundaries. He showed them things that were not normal for them. In those moments, Moses and Elijah appeared. Jesus Himself was transfigured before them and glistened in His Glory. They were amazed. Peter suggested staying there and building tents. His suggestion wasn’t accepted. When the moments were over they again descended down the mountain to a major problem as the other nine disciples were struggling to cast a demon out of a child. Although they descended they had transcended. They would never be the same. They had experienced something great, powerful and new. They were not to even speak of it until after the Resurrection. Peter wanted to stay there but Jesus knew there would be even greater experiences. We are never to remain with a great experience. We are to go forward. We must choose to allow God to take us beyond any previous experience. The cloud moved in the Old Testament to teach the Children of Israel that He was a God on the move. He is still ever so much on the move. His personality stays the same yesterday, today, and forever but His ways are always worth finding out. They are fresh and exciting as He is.

Are you up for the adventure? Do you want to go higher? Fear or satisfaction may cause us to balk. Fear can always take the best out of any adventure. Satisfaction with life as it is, usually ends up in boredom and regret that we didn’t take the chance to go different directions we could have taken. Holy Spirit stands ready to take us forward as revelation unfolds. Will you go beyond the previous experience? May we joyfully experience the higher ways of our God.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part Five

In Revelation we are given a beautiful picture of what happens when we are given wings like that of an eagle. A woman is given two wings like that of a great eagle. She then flies into the wilderness to her place. There she is nourished for several seasons. She is protected from the enemy in a special prepared place. (see Revelation 12:14)

There is always a place prepared for God’s people. There are three major times in Scripture in which these prepared places stand out. First, Joseph invites his family to Egypt to a special place called Goshen. Here they were blessed while world-wide famine took place. They remained there for four hundred years until Moses led the people out. Even in Moses’ time and while judgments were falling, they were protected from the judgments. Second, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to Egypt for protection from an angry king wanting to kill all of the little boys. They remained there until the king died and then resettled in Galilee in the north. Third, there is this promise in the end time that God will prepare a place in the wilderness for His people - a place of nourishment and protection.

The wilderness may not sound like the best place to go. However, anything can be turned around for good. Things that were meant for bad can become a blessing. After all, we are the people that can see deserts turned into gardens. We are world changers. Our mission is all about transformation. We were created for hard places. We are fashioned in the hand of the Potter to be overcomers. We are a generation of strength. We are history makers.

In the Song of Songs, we have a picture of someone coming out of the wilderness. She is leaning on her beloved. This is a beautiful picture of the Bride of Christ. We come out leaning on Him. Every trial, struggle, or hard time should cause us to lean on Him. Anywhere or anything that causes us to lean can be a good place or good thing. Leaning on Christ is the result of being in a beautiful place of intimacy with Him.

In times like these…. we need to trust that the Lord has a special place for us. It is called “our place.” It is here that we find nourishment for times and times and half times. It is our season of nourishment. Like Goshen we are safe from judgments that are against sin. When the world is nervous, we have confidence. Alignment is important. We need to be real sure we are in the right place doing the right things. As the Holy Spirit has positioned us, we need to trust in His alignment and just stand. We will see the salvation of the Lord. We will see the strength of His victorious right hand. It is time to take up wings like eagles. The place we land may resemble a wilderness, but the joy will come as we walk out of that wilderness leaning on our Beloved Jesus Christ. Take courage when the world is stressing out. Make sure of your alignment and stand. This alone will be a great witness.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part Four

Eagles Passing Through Trouble

In the later part of the 20th Century, eagles in America were close to extinction. After some years of special attention they were removed from the endangered list in 1995 and removed from the threatened list in 2007. As perfect as the picture may look, there are times when trouble comes. Following the last verse of Isaiah 40, about eagles mounting and not tiring, we enter the beautiful chapter of Isaiah 41 where there are problems. Isaiah records the word of the Lord as He says that there are none that are hearing. He also tells how there is no one to proclaim and declare the righteousness of the Lord.

Remember the perfect habitat for eagles is beautiful bodies of water, plenty of fish, and old nesting trees high in the mountains. In contrast, recovery centers behind nets isn’t as beautiful. Also, when there is a lack of fish, they often are compelled to go to landfills and eat out of the trash. When they are on the brink of extinction there are fewer sightings and everyone looses. When eagles are in trouble, recovery and restoration needs to happen.

It is the same way for believers. There are times when we are in trouble and if we choose to remain in that condition, we will suffer great loss. The Psalmist talks about walking through the valley of Baca (see Psalms 84:6). Although Baca isn’t an actual place, it is representative of times when we are in the pit of despair. It is when we experience difficulty in a painful place. We feel hopeless. The Psalmist tells how we must pass through it and also make it a well. We need to pass through our times of despair and leave behind a blessing. We need to pull a blessing out of every bad experience. We must transform deserts into gardens.

There were several reasons the eagle was close to extinction in America. Thinning of the shell of their eggs wouldn’t allow the baby eagle its needed time to hatch as a healthy little one. Pesticides for crops were causing the egg shells to become thin. Pesticides were also causing the eagles to become sterile and unable to lay eggs. There was also illegal shooting. Even the lack of suitable habitat caused problems to arise for the Eagle. But, with new laws to protect them and recovery places the eagles are now out of trouble.

In our spiritual lives we often experience seasons that almost take the life out of us. We need to pass through these seasons. We must resolve to not stay in the valley of Baca too long. Depression, self-pity and feelings of helplessness can cause us to stay longer than we should have. We need to come out of the wilderness leaning on our Beloved. We need to mount up and fly again. If we feel like we have been kept under a net, then rejoice that the net is lifting. Often what happens in the natural is a symbol of what needs to happen in the spiritual. As the eagles have passed through a close call, so have we.

The later part of the 20th Century saw lots of problems for the Church in America. Exposure of leaders, greed, division, pride, and a list too long to write, described the Church of the last century. Much like the eagle, we were in trouble even if we didn’t know it. We thought we were rich but really we were poor. Often we thought we were going forward with all our new programs when we were actually going backwards. It’s a new season. God has much mercy and grace. There is a new wind blowing. I have never met so many people who seem to be passionate about following Christ. More than ever I hear people talk about intimacy with Jesus Christ. It is no longer a Sunday thing but a life style. We are moving forward. Much like the eagle we are coming out to mount up again and fly. Let’s be encouraged.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part Three

The perfect habitat for eagles is near a body of water where there is abundant food supply. There needs to be some old growth trees for nesting and good visibility. It is here that they find their safety from the things that would disturb the good place they have chosen. It is high in the mountains and it is where eagles fly.

The early pioneers to Appalachia often built higher in the mountains than people do today. They understood that there was a snake line in which poisonous snakes would not pass beyond. Usually, it was about 1200 feet above the level of the sea. The pioneers would work the fields in the valley and build their homes, schools, and churches higher. They lived above the snake line.

Abraham knew what it was like to live above the snake line. His nephew Lot chose the plains and valleys of Sodom and Gomorrah since they looked richer. Abraham resorted to the hill country. In Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s soul was vexed daily. There was much temptation and a worldly type of life. His home was eventually destroyed. Meanwhile Abraham enjoyed the daily presence of the Lord as He communed with Him daily. We might say that Abraham lived above the snake line. He lived like the eagle in a habitat of refreshment from Heaven. He enjoyed abundant food supply from the manna of Heaven. It was here that he raised his family and found much joy and laughter even in old age.

Life is better above the snake line. The Lord is Lord of Heaven and earth, but man has been given dominion of the earth. Somewhere in between satan is prince of the air. The enemy is only able to influence what we give him authority to influence. His voice is usually heard in the air waves that pass through our minds. This is why we need our minds renewed. We need to reject his tempting words and lies. We need to live above the snake line.

As it was with Abraham and Lot, we choose our places of livelihood. Sure, we must work in the valley where the world can easily influence our thinking, but we need a place to nest. We must seek out the cleft of the rock that the Lord has prepared for us. We need the secret place to renew our strength. It will be above the snake line as we climb the high places with God. It is where we will mount and be ready to fly to the valley below to fulfill our purposes as we touch our world. We are called to disciple nations. We are called to the market place. We are also called to the high place of communion with God where we renew our strength. It is our choice and a matter of discipline and wisdom. Will we choose to live above the snake line and fly like eagles fly?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part Two

A recent news article tells the story of how the eagles in British Colombia, Canada were suffering. It was late winter and some of the eagles were falling to the ground weakened because of the difficulty of finding food. Several were taken to centers where they were cared for. They were malnourished, lacking body fat, infested with parasites and in poor health. Why was this happening? Eagles normally feed on salmon but there was a lack of the salmon in the lakes. This caused the eagles to go to the local landfills where they scavenged through the trash. This resulted in poisoning.

In Cherokee Indian writings they describe the perfect habitat for eagles. They love the coolness of the mountains. They love the deepness of the seas and lakes. They love the blueness of the sky. Their nests are high in the mountains where they have a great view. To be forced to go to landfills to scavenge through trash is a complete opposite picture. It holds no majesty.

Most eagles are found near large bodies of open water so there will be an abundant supply of fish. They also need old growth trees for nesting and the trees need to provide good visibility. Their nest for their young is the largest tree nest known. Both male and female spend time incubating the eggs. While one incubates the eggs, the other spends time hunting for food or nesting material. This is a picture of a beautiful and wonderful way of life. This is where eagles fly.

There is much to learn from the eagle. For Believers to fly like eagles, they need the same type of habitat. The rivers, lakes and mountains in scripture speak of refreshment, beauty, and life. We were never made to scavenge through the trash dumps. David spoke of never seeing the righteous begging for bread. If we are weak because of the lack of spiritual bread, we need to lift our eyes to the hills to where our help comes from. It comes from God and He still rains down manna. We need to take flight to the mountains and deep bodies of water. The trash dump holds poison. We must beware of just going anywhere to get our food. There is a lot of poison out there that masks itself as being of God. With more means of knowledge available than any previous generation there is more reason to be careful. We need to ask God for discernment so we can eat only His manna.

The Canadian story is a prophetic picture of our times. We will grow weak if we don’t have the fish. Jesus told His disciples that He would make them fishers of men. There is strength in fishing for men. New converts always encourage the congregation. New energy and life is the result, as these new believers blend in with the older believers. Fishing for men can be an exciting adventure.

Some believers wait for the fish to come to them. They look for them to come to church on Sunday mornings. In the natural, fish don’t come looking for us. Although this may happen occasionally in the spiritual, we are most often called to go out to where the fish are. The body of Christ needs to transition from coming in to going out. We have been inside the church walls for a long time. It is time to go out. Jesus was always sending them out. The farther the river gets from the temple, the deeper the river becomes (see Ezekiel 47). We need to go to the streets, bars, and places where people gather. There we will find the fish. There we will find the nourishment that the modern day church is lacking. There we will find purpose and fulfillment. It is where eagles fly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part One

One of the most comforting and awesome scripture verses is Isaiah 40:31. It encourages us to wait upon the Lord so that we might mount up like the eagle. It also assures us of the possibility of being able to run and not grow weary. That precious verse is followed by chapter 41 of Isaiah with its promises of strength, help and restoration. I believe that this chapter gives us a beautiful picture of what happens when eagles fly.

Isaiah 41 begins with an encouragement to be silent and listen to God. This action alone will bring new strength. Afterwards, we are invited to come before God for judgment. We often fear judgment because of our sins. However, the more of our sins that we allow to be judged now, the less need there will be to have them judged later.

Paul tells us that as believers we must come before the judgment seat of Christ (see II Corinthians 5:10). This is called the “Bema” in the Greek. Paul also gives some more information on this “Bema Judgment” when he tells us that there are some of our works that will be burned up and others that will remain. Works that are real and precious like gold, silver, and precious stones will remain. Those things that are compared to hay, wood, and stubble will be burned up (see I Corinthians 3:12).

An old eagle will go alone in silence to a waterfall. There he will stand and begin to pluck out his old feathers. Then he may hit his beak against the rock until is breaks off. Standing bare, he lets the waterfall wash over him and waits on the process of new feathers to grow back. Once this happens, he has what would seem to be a second chance at life. It is a hard process but a valuable one.

There are feathers that we need to pluck out and discard. Our beak (mouth) is getting old and needs renewed. We need a second take on life that is refreshing with a renewed mind and soul. But, it can only begin as we go before the judgment seat of Christ. There, we must allow Him to judge our works and the intents of our heart. Those things that are not birthed of Him must be discarded. Those things that no longer have spirit and life in them must be discarded. Those things that we only borrowed from others thinking they were of God must be discarded. Our beliefs, doctrines, and opinions need to be judged of Christ so that we can really live. Many of us are getting older and do not have the time to waste on things that are not precious. The hay, wood, and stubble must go. Life is too precious.

I believe that God is calling us to look at three scriptures that will enlighten us to the judgment of this time. There is not one that is more important than the other or is there any certain sequence. The first is Hebrews 4:12, which tells us that there must be a division of soul and spirit. Soulish opinions and ideas are things that we have birthed. They are usually good ideas and may look like the best way. However, God didn’t birth the idea or the opinion. Spirit ideas are most often birthed in the secret place. They can be tested and found strong in the midst of any storm or test. They are not always something we would think of first but somehow God just breaks through the walls of our mind and gives us a spirit revelation.

The second scripture that we need to look at is I Peter 4:17 which tells us that judgment must begin with the house of God. Believers need to judge themselves instead of the world judging us. Correction needs to happen within the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit will convict and show us many of our sins and wrong attitudes. However, sometimes we need to correct others in a spirit of meekness. If we find ourselves being corrected by others we need to take this before God and prayerfully repent if necessary. We must guard against being offended. A false martyr spirit often can appear. A person that has been corrected feels they have been betrayed and hurt. They find comfort in this false martyr spirit. Martyrdom is real, but until we see some crosses on the hillside or rocks coming our way as crowds gather around us, it is premature to think we are being martyred.

The third scripture is Acts 17:30 and it reminds us that there have been times that God has overlooked some of our actions. However, He is now calling us to repent of these actions. Our times of ignorance cannot go on forever. There are things we may have gotten by with before, but God is calling us to a closer walk in which these things need to be corrected. The feathers that allowed us to fly yesterday are now being plucked out and new ones will replace the old.

When eagles fly it is great to have new feathers. It is sweet to have new strength. It is powerful to walk in the Spirit instead of our soul. It is a joy to receive correction without feeling martyred. It is good to have a new lease on life. The waterfalls are precious as we wait beside them for the new feathers to appear. Deep calls to deep at the sound of God’s waterfalls. It is the place where all the breakers and waves of God roll over us. What an awesome experience it is to fly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Comedy of the Mountains

Although I cannot remember ever telling a joke in the pulpit, there have been many funny stories. These stories have happened during the thirty-five years of pastoral work in the mountains. Laughter is good medicine. I hope you enjoy them. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Ruby was one of the song leaders in one of the first congregations that I worked as interim pastor. She only had one tooth in the front but she had a beautiful voice. When she opened her mouth to sing and looked heavenward with that tooth sticking out…. you just learned to overlook the tooth. She loved the Lord and singing was one of her favorite things to do. She was much older than me, and since I was only nineteen, it was no problem to pick her up on Sundays for the service. She had a boyfriend that walked from a little town called Dante. It was probably fifteen miles away, but he was faithful to come and see her. He had a speech problem and talked much like a child. One Sunday morning they were having relationship problems.

As the service progressed I could tell there was tension in the air. You can tell those things more easily when your congregation is about five people in a large building. Ruby led the songs but you could tell she was not doing her best. However, she was instant in season and out of season and she was determined to go through the motions. After the message, I asked for testimony or prayer concerns. The boyfriend just spoke up in a childlike voice and said Ruby was mad at him. This caused an almost angered response from Ruby who responded, “If I have done anything to him, I will gladly go to the altar and make it right.” Again, he responded in childlike voice, “Let’s go.” They proceeded to the altar where they cried and wept and hugged while the other three people in the congregation watched or just hung their head.

Another older lady that often visited unexpectedly, is the main character in many of my stories. Pearlie Mae was never married but loved to go to weddings whether she knew the people or not. It was one of the hottest summers we had ever had and I had a case of walking pneumonia that summer. One of the young men from the city police force had asked me to do his wedding. It was in another town and would be held at a home out in the country. It was a mid-day wedding and attended by invitation only. I didn’t feel well that morning, but went to pick up my suit at the cleaners. Upon returning home there was Pearlie Mae sitting on my porch recliner. She had on some real short shorts…. much like the length I would wear for boxers. I told her that I had to get ready for a wedding. She said, “I’m going to go with you.” I tried to tell her that it was a private wedding…. but she wanted to go anyway. She said she would just sit in the vehicle while I performed the wedding service. I still didn’t think it was a good idea because it was almost a hundred degrees. There was no persuading her any different.

Heading up the interstate I realized there was some lint on my suit jacket. I had laid it in the seat beside me since it was so hot. She proceeded to take my jacket and hold it out the window to let the wind blow the lint off. I then realized it would probably be a day to remember. Upon arriving at the wedding location, I parked at the bottom of the hill. The wedding would take place at a house up on a little knoll. Pearlie Mae said she would be alright down at the bottom and requested that I bring her back a barbeque sandwich. A couple of hours later I returned with her sandwich. I asked her if she got very hot while waiting. She responded, “Why heavens no, I got out and laid down in the grass. Some of those police came over to see if I was alright. I told them that they didn’t need to worry about me with all the drug problems they had in the city.” And, I am sure she told them that she was with the preacher.

To be continued…..

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Birthing of the Lambs

I have had requests to write more about my childhood experiences with the sheep. Birthing of the lambs was a special time for my Dad and me. It was always uncertain timing and a little messy.

Most lambs were born in the winter and a few in the springtime. On cold winter nights my Dad and I would ride the old farm truck up to an old log barn. This is where my Dad would put the most expectant sheep. He could always tell which ones were closer to giving birth. Some births were natural but several weren’t. When the mother sheep could not deliver in her own strength, my Dad would have to go up in her and pull the lamb out. This was really messy. Sometimes the lamb or the mother would die in the process. If a mother sheep died, we ended up with an orphan lamb. If a lamb died, we would sometimes skin the dead lamb and put it on another orphan lamb hoping the mother sheep would adopt the orphan lamb. The mother sheep wasn’t easily fooled but the skin helped. Otherwise the orphan lamb became mine…. to raise on a bottle. It became what I called…. a pet lamb.

It has been prophesied that a billion youth will be saved in the next few years. This prophecy has been accepted as valid by almost everyone involved in the revival movement of our times. Giving of the prophecy is the easy part. Some of the birthing may be a little messy but most of it will come natural. The goodness of God and the truth proclaimed will lead millions to Christ. The love and compassion of older Believers will also touch the world. The hardest part will be the raising of the new believers. They will need fathers and mothers to bottle-feed and mentor them into full grown sons and daughters of God.

Paul said that there are not many fathers. There was a shortage in his day and there is a shortage today. One billion new souls brought into the kingdom will require millions of new pastors and at least a 100 million small group leaders if we use the ration of one leader for every ten. Where will these leaders come from? When nations are saved in a day, are we ready for them? There is a call for all of us to prepare to become fathers and mothers of the faith.

How to bring children into the world is easily understood, but fathering isn’t. Most of us didn’t know much about fathering when our children were born. We just had to do it. In our western society we have been taught that being a good provider is the key to fathering. It is not. It often leaves children confused and in need of mentoring to guide them into life. Just provision alone will not be enough for the new kids brought into the kingdom of God. Church services and bible classes will not be enough for the new spiritual children that are being born. They will need one-on-one experiences with older believers. They will need small group interaction where they can learn from the experiences of others. This will help them avoid major stumbling blocks and pits in the path before them.

Older believers can begin preparing for this great harvest by allowing God to judge their hearts. Like Paul we can allow them to imitate us as we follow Jesus passionately with all of our heart. We can also ask the Father of all fathers to teach us how to father and mother these new believers that are coming. It is a challenge, but it is exciting. It is the kingdom of Heaven coming to invade the earth. To become like our Heavenly Father is a challenge but it is His ultimate will for us. In the process of fathering we become more like Him.

A few nuggets gained along the way about fathering: first of all they just need to feel loved. They also need someone to believe in them. Their dreams and visions are important and they need encouragement in them. No matter how unique their vision may seem, we must allow them to be trained as such. When we try to bend them towards our desire for them, we can hinder them. Allow the branch to bend the way it needs to bend. Let’s stop trying to make images of ourselves in everyone. Finally, let’s pursue God with all our hearts and grab the young ones to walk with us on this precious journey of faith.

One of the most precious memories of springtime is how the lambs would jump and play in the new green fields. The winter was past. The mothers would just graze on the new grass while the little ones would play endlessly along beside them. The spring days became longer and as the sun would set, the lambs would gather around the mother for the cool nights. The barn was no longer needed because the ground was getting warmer. The warmth of the mother was enough. We can never under estimate the importance fathering and mothering will play in the coming harvest of the lambs. When the barn (church building) is no longer the most important place and the green fields beckon…. where will the fathers and mothers of the faith be?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How They Love

An in-depth study of the twenty-four Elders in the book of Revelation offers us more than just symbolism. Their reaction to all that happens in Heaven is remarkable. Elders hold honorable authority in church-life on earth, but these Elders in Heaven seem to honor and adore the Father on a much higher level.

They sit on thrones and they are clothed in white. Upon their heads are golden crowns (see Revelation 4 and 5). When the creatures of Heaven give honor, the Elders fall down before the Father and give their crowns to Him. When the book of judgment is about to be opened and they have a problem finding someone worthy to open the book, Jesus is found in the midst of the Elders. Jesus enjoys hanging out with these guys. When it is announced that Jesus will open the books, the Elders take up their harps, and golden bowls full of incense. They begin to sing a new song of His worthiness. The angels respond in creation-shattering praise and the creatures say, “Amen.” The Elders respond by falling down again and worshiping.

One definition (in the Greek) describing the word worship, is to respond like a dog licks the hand of its master. It would be safe that the Elders love and honor the Father so much they bow and lick the hand of the Father. If you prefer kiss the hand of the Father that is good too…. I just hope you get the picture. Here are persons of greatest authority sitting on thrones in Heaven and they have so much love that Jesus hangs out with them and they love to kiss the hand of the Father. What great love and adoration is portrayed here! This is a picture of the grace of true authority.

On earth, we seldom see people of authority being approachable or responding with much love. They usually are somewhat reserved and often abuse the authority given unto them. Elders in scripture were in that office because of longevity and faithfulness. It was the highest and most respected office in the early church. They were men and women who had been faithful to the Lord for a long time. However, time had not made them arrogant or prideful. They remained broken and humble before God.

Scripture tells us that the saints will judge the world and angels (see I Corinthians 6:2,3). Paul reasons that since we are given such an important task, we should be able to handle and judge smaller matters while still here in this life. This must take place from a place of love and with the grace of true authority. Our best example is Heaven’s example. Notice the love, adoration, and passion of the twenty-four Elders. Jesus told us to pray that the kingdom of Heaven and the will of God come to Earth. We need some of this kind of love on earth. Where there are seeds of this kind of love, let’s water it so that it reaches maturity. When we are in places of authority in any area of our lives, may we work and live out of a higher love that is so beautifully portrayed for us in Heaven.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Who Will Be Your Dinner Guests?

Jesus introduced a totally new way of doing hospitality when He came as the Son of Man. His love for humanity was the source from which He acted towards the outcasts of His time. His meal plans were different.

Jesus suggested a new way. He said that when we have a luncheon or a dinner we should invite the poor, crippled, and blind. He said there is a blessing in doing this. He thought this was better than inviting our friends, family, or rich neighbors. The latter group would probably invite us to their home soon to return the favor - it would be kind of like a repayment. The first group would be too poor to repay us so we would be repaid by God later (see Luke 14:12-16).

This is an interesting teaching. Very few believers seem to practice this way of hospitality. It is definitely out of the box in our society. One of the people eating with Jesus that day understood what Jesus was saying. He began to proclaim blessing on everyone who would eat bread in the kingdom of God. He was connecting to the revelation that kingdom living is different – not normal. Our love is to reach beyond our friends, family and prestigious people. He got it. Have we got it yet?

Let’s consider having a meal and inviting someone we don’t know or barely know. What if we limited our conversations during the meal to life experiences instead of religious talk. What if we freed ourselves of any hidden motives to convert them? Our desire must be to honor and love them first. What if we were prayerful about the meal, asking our Father God how He would want us to honor them? What if there was a rule that the ones we invited cannot invite us to a dinner? This would guard against reacting only out of feelings of obligation. What if we were truly set free of obligation slavery for a season? What if we learned to love like they do in heaven?

In this teaching, I really think Jesus was giving us keys to how they love in heaven. They don’t operate out of obligation. It is all about heart and passion. We cannot even begin to pay our Father back for all He has done and does for us. Upon entering His presence in eternity, the revelation will only multiply, that we cannot repay Him. So, I would dare bet that the society of heaven does nothing out of obligation. They are free to serve without jealousy or envy. Spontaneous and impulsive actions of love are the order of the day. It’s a new kind of normal that Jesus felt needed to be implemented on the earth 2,000 years ago. When will we begin? Do you want to try it? If we will, I believe we will bless God in it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Trusting the Journey-Maker

Have you ever been uncertain of where you are going but certain you cannot stay where you are? Not knowing where we are going isn’t always bad. While it may make us feel vulnerable, it can also bring fulfillment. Coming out of our nest that we have long enjoyed can be a challenge. Going into the unknown requires a tighter grip on the hand of the Father.

As the mother eagle begins the process of getting her young ones out of the nest she knows it will pull on the strings of her own heart. She loves her little ones. The rabbit fur they are resting on feels good. As she gently pulls it out from under them they complain. The briars that make up the nest hurt. When she invites them to come out of the nest for a joy ride on her wing, she also knows the joy is not immediate. They are now willing to accept her invitation because it is uncomfortable where they are. What used to feel good has lost its touch. They are unsure of where they are going but realize they can’t stay where they are. As they climb out of the nest and onto her wing, she flies high with them clutching tightly. The view is great. The mountains look sweet. She suddenly tilts her body and the little ones fall off. This turns their complaining into screaming. What is mother thinking? But, the mother sweeps under them and catches them right in the nick of time. After a few episodes of this they begin to flap their wings. Soon they can fly. Now the mountains look even sweeter.

Following a call of God, Abraham set out for a strange place. He didn’t know where he was going but he knew he couldn’t stay where he was. Because of his obedience he eventually left his children one of the greatest legacies the earth has ever known. Being blessed with a child at the age of seventy-five was only part of the rewarding journey for him as he followed God. He was on a pilgrimage. Obtaining the understanding for each direction of his journey was precious because it involved intimacy with God. It must have been awesome to not know where he was going and just leaning on God to show him the way.

Jesus tells us that the wind blows wherever it wishes. We hear the sound but we don’t know where it is going. Jesus explains that we who are born of the Spirit are like that. Yes, we are like the wind. We cannot see the wind but we can feel and hear it. There are even those who have harnessed the wind for useful purposes. From a windmill to a sailboat to more modern uses of the wind - it is helpful. We can observe the effects of the wind. This can be seen in the aftermath of storms. We can see where the wind has been. So, is Jesus trying to tell us that not knowing where we are going is good? I think so.

The more we learn to trust the Lord the easier it is to follow without knowing all the details. In my walk with the Lord, I have found blessing in stepping out in some direction not knowing where it would end. It is like an adventure filled with anticipation and mystery. It will hold challenges but they are for growth and maturity. It often holds surprises, but that too is good. It is apostolic because we are on a mission for and with the King. What can feel greater than resting in hands that hold the universe?

Scripture is filled with people who didn’t know where they were going or what they were going to be doing. These people became the heroes of scripture. They also became our models and examples. Could Moses have possibly known at the burning bush that soon the wind would cause the sea to stand at attention when he raised his staff towards it? Did Noah find Mt. Ararat on his map when he entered the ark? When young Elisha chose to follow the older prophet Elijah did he see whirlwinds in the future? When Mary rejoiced over the Messiah in her womb did she see swaddling rags and Egyptian hideouts? When Paul said yes on the Damascus road did he imagine jail, hunger, persecution, nakedness, and shipwreck?

Outside of scripture, we know of stories where there have been those who have carried the torch of going into the unknown. Did Christopher Columbus know he would find a brand new world? Did Martin Luther King, while delivering one of the most powerful speeches of our generation see a bullet down the path? There are those who have brought great freedom to multitudes by following the unmarked path. From the beginning of time people who went forward unsure of where they were going have left legacies.

Those who journey into the unknown are sometimes labeled irresponsible or it is said that they may lack vision, however often they are the courageous pioneers. Though they may not know exactly where they are going - they know they are heading into something beautiful. They follow the cloud and the fire. They blaze unknown trails. They make the way for future generations to follow. They make it easier. Is there a pioneer spirit in any believers today? Are there those who are ready to rise up knowing they cannot stay where they are? Are they brave enough to go forward unsure of where they are going? Who will say amen to the journey God has planned for us before time began? Who will trust the Journey-Maker?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summers in Appalachia

Memories of my summers in Appalachia are full of good memories. They include hiking, swimming holes, peeling cherry trees, picking green beans and hauling hay. Country stores, biking, church, and cousins coming to visit also highlighted the best times of the year. Jumping on sugar cane stalks at a molasses stir off, whiz ball in the pasture field, hot dogs from the Tastee Freeze and camping was included. I have always loved summer.

Around the age of seven, I was up at the break of dawn one morning. Barefooted, I ran most of the way to the back section of our farm. There in a small pup tent my closest brother in age was asleep with his friends. Although I wasn’t invited and considered too young to camp, I did the next best thing and showed up at dawn. A few years later I would find my own camping place about a hundred yards away and invite my friends to camp. Camping was a big deal. We would plan for a couple of weeks even down to the food we would eat. It always went well but not without accidents. My cousin got burned real badly one time. Neighborhood friends would visit during the night and raid us for fun. The group kept getting bigger and some failed to bring anything to add to the meals. Camping was the only vacation I ever knew.

Raising sheep was such a big part of our life. I have shared about the sheep shearing in other writings. I usually had a pet lamb that would quickly grow into an adult sheep. One of the biggest events was going to the sheep market in Tazewell. I would invite my cousins and we all loaded up in the back of the pick up truck and headed out. My dad would drive. The market was beside a big outdoor drive-in theatre. We watched the movie without sound from the balcony of the sheep market. It is funny how the simple things meant so much.

There was always the fun of making a rock dam across the creek and playing in the water. My aunt always told us we were going to get a disease but we didn’t. Sometimes my brother would load all his friends up on a wagon and drive down to the bigger creek. Since they were all about ten years older than me, I was always the tag along. Not many people had swimming shorts back then so they all swam in the buff. They would lay their clothes on the bank of the creek. I remember running off with their clothes for fun. It was even more fun to do when an older neighbor lady was out walking in the field. They would stay in the water longer.

On summer nights we would often go to a molasses making. Dozens of people were there and us kids would jump for hours in the sugar cane stalks. While the molasses was cooking a steam would come off of the big trough. I made the comment that it looked like fog. The molasses farmer tagged me with one of my many nicknames, “Foggy.” When the molasses was emptied into containers, we had wooden sticks ready to scrape the remaining molasses out of the trough.

In my later teen years we decided to build a cabin on our mountain property. It was high in the mountain. We cut trees and built a twenty by twenty cabin. There were about eight of us guys that worked on this project. All of us had unusual nick-names that we gave each other. By this time I had settled with “Harm.” Some of the names of my friends included “Mooney,” “Bird Brain,” “Fox” and other meaningful names. Most names came from an event in the person’s life. It took an entire summer to build the cabin.

At the end of the summer we were ready for our first camp out. In the valley below a revival was going on at the Methodist Church. I attended the meetings and returned back to the cabin for the nights. About mid-week I rededicated my life back to God. When I returned that night, I told the guys what had happened. I told them I would like to have devotions before we went to sleep. Someone grabbed a cassette player to record it. I wish I had that recording. It was a memorable night. Afterwards, I took a blanket and went out into the mountains and reflected on God and what the rest of my life would be.

Summers still mean so much to me here in the mountains. I still go back and camp on the farm. I still hike, garden, play in the creek, and just lie in the fields and reflect on the God of creation. There is so much restoration taking place as creation groans for the release of the sons and daughters of God. May each of us take time to do the simple things that make mountain kids marvel. May simplicity be restored in our lives as we worship the creator of the mountains.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Unusual Places of Strength

These are times when people are running out of strength. The Lord is still our greatest source of strength. It is a season to seek the goodness of the Lord. Often it is found in unusual places. In a troubled land with a troubled economy God has answers. His grace is without measure and will even overtake us, as we trust in Him. Let’s say amen to His strength in these times.

Saul’s army was running out of strength because of the long battles (see I Samuel 14:25-30). They had spent years trying to defeat the Philistines. Saul proclaimed a fast during the time of battle. His son Jonathan was a great leader in the battles. As the men entered the forest, Jonathan, who had not heard his father’s command to fast, happened upon some honey flowing on the ground. He took his spear and got some honey on the tip and ate it. He was instantly strengthened. His eyes were brightened. The other soldiers informed him of his father’s command not to eat anything and his response to their warning was that his father had troubled the land. He believed the warriors were weak because they had not eaten freely. Jonathan was not dishonoring his father; he was merely stating what he knew to be true.

Even as we honor our leaders in these times, we also recognize that like Saul, they have troubled the land. There are ways of injustice that have troubled the land that are a result of choices our leaders have made. Many believers are in constant battle - in places of trouble - in many areas of their daily lives. Tragedy has hit our land with fierce storms. The economy continues to weaken. Strength wanes. Our land is troubled. We need to find new courage and new strength.

It is very unusual to find honey flowing on the ground, but it was in Jonathan’s path. As he kept moving forward, he found a source of strength in an unusual place. Most of us are programmed to think that our strength comes from a list of usual places. These are either places we have often found strength, or we have been told that these are the places of great strength. However, we will miss some great sources of strength if we look only in familiar places. Sometimes the familiar spring has run dry. We must be willing to look wherever God leads, and often as we open our eyes, we will see it is right there in our path.

When I think of the usual places that I have found strength….. they are many. I have found strength in church services. I have found it in conversations with close friends. Vacation or a few days away from the normal agenda have helped me refuel. When I have been sick, I have found strength in my doctor and the antibiotics he prescribed. All of these are greatly appreciated. However, they are not our only source of strength. They even have their flaws.

Millions of believers trust in Sunday morning meetings to give them the strength for the entire week. This was never meant to be. We are to daily pick up the manna. Where did the Israelites find this manna? On the ground. Unusual? Why didn’t it fall in the tabernacle of worship? They had to go outside the camp and gather it. I’ll let you think on that one.

All of our strength isn’t found within the walls of the church building. The river of Ezekiel 47 got deeper the farther it flowed from the temple. It’s power increased as it healed everything it touched. If God can ever get us outside the temple - the church buildings - then we will be a powerful people flowing into the realness of life... changing the region around us, shifting the culture, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

Friends are great. They are a source of encouragement. Jonathan built a friendship with David that blessed their lives even in war days. It is one of the greatest friendships recorded in scripture. In our times friends can be a source of encouragement. However, sadly, it seems things have changed. The handshake that meant much fifty years ago no longer stands very strong. Our word seems to mean less and less. The friendship of Jesus is still as strong as ever. If we run to friends every time we are troubled we may still be disappointed. Friends were never meant to be our only source of strength. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and that joy is often found in unusual places. We just have to keep our eyes open to see.

I appreciate doctors and hospitals. They have helped me many times. However, as a pastor, I have been with families when the doctor would tell them the results of their work. Some of the saddest moments are when families are told that there is nothing else the doctor can do. All hope seems to be gone as they try to restructure their plans. I have known the Lord for forty-two years and I cannot ever remember Him telling me there is nothing more He can do. He has never spoke those words to me. This simply is not a part of His vocabulary. He always has an answer and within that answer there is strength.

So, where are the unusual places? It can be outdoors. It can be on the streets. It can be lying on a park bench watching the ducks swim on the pond. It can be lying in a field of mown hay looking at a cloudless sky. It can be while walking in the cool of the day at the setting of the sun. It can be in the place of trial. It can be while everyone else is talking that you hear a still small voice that speaks louder than the voices around you. It can be in the path of the forest or on the Appalachian Trail.

The apostle John was banished to Patmos. Some say it was barren and other historians say an idol temple was there. We might conclude that it was not a spiritual retreat. However, heaven was opened up to him. He received a vision that has blessed every generation. The vision of Revelation ends by telling us about eternity in a place that is beyond imagination. Revelation tells us that whoever reads this vision is blessed. Patmos was an unusual place to find strength.

A lame man asked Peter and John for alms. They were near the Jewish temple where the thick veil had been rent just a few weeks earlier when Jesus was crucified. Some would think the renting of the veil was a sign of the anger of God and that nothing good would ever happen in that place again. However, Peter and John told the lame man they were out of money but they wanted to bless him anyway. They told him to rise up and walk. He was healed right there and he got up and walked. He found new strength in the streets near the temple as he danced a new dance. Some would have thought that the lame man should have went to the upper room where God had appeared earlier in great power. It would seem that it was holier ground than a temple of ritual. But, for that day and for the lame man, the temple courts was the place of power and new strength.

God is always on the move. His places of strength are often unusual. Let’s not miss them. After Jesus calmed the storm, the disciples knelt on the storm-beaten bow of a boat and worshiped Him with greater passion than they had ever worshiped. That was an unusual place. Paul and Silas sang loud in a Jail with their hands and feet bound. The earth groaned and the jailer and his family were converted. That jail was an unusual place. Samson found honey in the carcass of a lion that tried to kill him. Elijah enjoyed the company of angels in the wilderness where he was often discouraged. David wrote psalms on the hillside with the sheep. Carcasses, the wilderness, and hillsides can be unusual places. Look for the honey on the ground. It may be at the workplace. It may be at the mall. It may be in your bed before you arise. May the joy of the Lord strengthen you in the unusual places. May you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sheep Shearing Days

I recently found an old sheep-shearing machine in the log barn on our old homeplace. The old log barn is the only barn left standing on the farm after all these years. There the sheep-shearing machine was, lying in the dirt. I brought it home and cleaned it up, and since I don’t usually like the color of rust, I painted it black. It is an old model shipped in from Chicago in the early 1900’s. It is a manual hand-cranked machine. My Dad would usually get someone to turn the main handle and then he would take the long handle with a shearer on the end and cut off the wool of the sheep. That was before electricity allowed us to conform to the electric-type shearing machine.

I was only a child when this machine was used because most of my memories are of the electric machine. However, both machines involved the same process. Spring was the time of the year to shear the sheep. After a long winter and plenty of heavy wool hanging loosely on the sheep, they began to show the signs of discomfort. We would take them to the mountain pastureland and put them through the process. We started early in the morning. I can still remember how long the day was and how at the end of the day my skin was pink from the sun.

The sheep were kept in a side pen until their time to be put on the old wooden table to be sheared. When their time came they were caught (which was one of my chief responsibilities) and after binding their legs they were put on the table. The reason their legs were bound was to keep them from kicking and receiving unnecessary cuts. Some sheep would still kick and they ended up with lots of red marks on their beautiful white skin. They wouldn’t lie still for the shearing. I felt so sorry for these sheep. I still do. They would go back into the pen and their blood would rub onto the other sheep. They stood out.

Believers are like sheep and there are times that our wool is hanging loose from the past season. The winter has been long. The old wool needs to come off. When the Father places us on the table with our legs bound, we often misunderstand the process and question His love for us. We kick. Sometimes He uses circumstances or others to hold us back. He often uses leaders (such as pastors) to hold us back for a season, and we don’t like that either. We kick. When it is Father ordained, the holding back is for our best. The more we learn to rest and relax in the process the whiter the skin at the end of the day. As a pastoral leader, it grieves me to hold someone back. I usually have to overcome feelings of guilt about it. However, it grieves me more when they kick and the cut marks scar their beautiful skin. It grieves everyone else when they return to the pen and get blood on others.

One of my jobs was to tamp the wool into the sack. The sack was over six feet long. I would stand at the top of the sack and jump up and down and tamp the wool into the sack. It was fun. Once the burlap sack was full it was tied. It was a huge thing and three or four would fill up the back of a truck. As kids, we would jump up and down on the sacks and roll around. The sacks of wool were the reward of some hard days of work. It signaled the end of a season and the beginning of a new one. We would haul the wool to market and receive payment. The sheep were turned back out into the pasture to enjoy the green grass. It would be another year before they would have to go through the process again. The new season would begin with new spring grass and new lambs playing by their side. The summer wouldn’t seem so hot since they were freshly sheared.

Rewards are often a funny thing. Some are obvious and honorable. Others are hidden and mysterious. Some we just tamp into the big burlap sack of life and instantly enjoy them. Others are just the smile of the Master letting us know He is well pleased. Then, there is the reward of suffering. “May the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering.” These words are those of the Moravians as they launched out to share their faith. They left their homelands, families and friends to go where God would lead them. For them it was a new season in which they often had no idea what it would entail or where it would take them.

I recently took the old sheep-shearing machine and placed it in my yard. It is under a dogwood tree. There is a snowball bush nearby. Honeysuckle is growing on a rock cliff beside the machine. Some other flower bushes add to the décor. It is a nice ornament and causes me to often reflect on the sheep shearing days. A prophet recently visited and I explained what the ornament was and how it was used back in the day. As the prophetic gifting began to churn inside…. this was the word for me. “The Father is turning the wheel of the sheep-shearing machine. You have had to tie the feet of several of the sheep and although you, and they, don’t like it, it is necessary for their process. The old wool is coming off. If they don’t kick so much there won’t be so many cuts and so much blood. The rock cliff is nearby and your heart is to search for the one sheep that might fall off the cliff. The snowball bush is significant in reminding us how white we become after the process. The dogwood leaves remind us of the cross. The flowers remind us that Jesus is the rose of sharon and the lily of the valley. He is ever near in all of the process.” Putting it all together, it is a beautiful picture.

It is springtime and the time of the shearing of the sheep. Are we ready for the process? Do we feel tied or shelved by the Master? Are we relaxed in His hands or are we kicking? Do we smell the flowers of His presence about us? How long has it been since we have seriously looked at the cross? Have we felt the Lord washing us and realized that we have become as white as the snow? (see Psalms 51:7) Is it our earnest desire that the Lamb receive the full reward of His suffering?