Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Beginning of the Journey

A new kind of normal began to arise in me in the late 90’s. 1995 was one of the hardest years of my life. The year began with the first church I had founded splitting in half. One group was catching some vision and felt they needed to move on. I was left with a lot of traditional and negative people. Although there were some visionaries still left, the traditional thought had gained power. My dad passed away in the middle of the year. In the same week, my son had an accident while riding a horse. An almost overpowering mental pressure and burnout had hit me by the end of the year. It didn’t get any better the following year as I basically went through the motions of ministry. I was thirty-nine and about to be a “has been” in ministry. I cried out to God for release from ministry in my community in which I was born. I was willing for Him to move me to Africa or anywhere else in the world.

I attended a Promise Keepers meeting in the summer of 1997 and felt very encouraged. It renewed vision in me for our nation and our region. Upon returning from the conference, I was enthusiastic. Soon a desire to minister in the cities began to birth in my heart. I had always had a passion for country church ministry and loved living in the rural areas. Now I wanted to move to the city so badly I could taste it. There was a definite shift going on inside of me.

In the spring of 1998 I traveled to Dallas, Texas to a “Light the Nations” conference. I had never attended a conference like this before. On the way to the airport I was literally beating my chest in agony over my life. It was my 20th wedding anniversary, but I had been divorced for 10 years. I was unhappy with the church. The ministry there was still a struggle for me. I was definitely burnt out. My son would be graduating from High School at the end of the month. Wasn’t I ready for a new season or was I about to die in this one?

Upon reaching Dallas, I roomed by myself. I only knew one person there and he was a pastor from my home-town. I seem to always do well in situations where everyone is new to me. However, the first day was kind of hard as I struggled to make adjustments to very passionate people and meetings. There were people acting totally free as they groaned and bent double as if someone had given them a belly punch. Sometimes people would laugh almost as if they were drunk. Everyone seemed happy though. That counted for something when you were as miserable with ministry and life as I was.

The next day I went forward for prayer with hundreds of others. Several ministers were there from the Argentine Revival that had shaken that nation for about fourteen years. They were the main speakers. On this particular morning Claudio Freidzon spoke and invited the people to come forward for impartation. Impartation is the passing on of blessing one person has received from God to another person. I definitely needed the fire of revival in me. Those in front of me were passing out like I had seen them do on television a few times. I had been suspicious of it on those programs. I was also suspicious of some of the people around me that seemed to take it so lightly. They were laughing and talking while in line for the speaker to pray for them. There was soft worship music playing in the background, so I chose to not focus on all the distractions and focus on the Lord. While still waiting in the line, I began to pray and raise my hands to Him in worship. The distractions and suspicions faded away. Claudio prayed for me and I fell for the first time in my life. When they helped me up I was drunk and I was stuttering. Later, I walked outside onto the street to get some lunch and I remember how the whole world looked different. It seemed so much brighter. There was a new bounce in my walk and I definitely was bubbling inside. I had received something true and lasting that had shifted my whole paradigm.

That evening another Argentine minister spoke named Sergio Scataglini. At the end of the message he prayed over the people. During this prayer I felt something hit me in the top of the head. I looked up into the rafters to see if something had fallen. I am still not sure what hit me that night because there was no physical evidence. I believe God may have just smacked me on the top of the head for fun. God likes to have fun with us. I don’t know, but something real had happened. After the meeting, I walked back to my motel room and went to bed.

At 2:00 in the morning I awakened in a fetal position. I was crying and bent double, yet it felt good. I could feel what seemed to me to be like electrical charges going through my stomach. I figured the Lord was just giving me stomach punches since He had already smacked me across the head earlier. The fight was on. However, this time there was no fight in me. I was dying to myself and falling into the hands of a Living God. He began to talk to me. “As your mother didn’t want to have another child and rejected the idea of your birth, I am re-birthing you.” Since I was already in a fetal position that I couldn’t seem to get out of, I just accepted the statement. I cried some more. Actually I kept crying and I was stuck in that position until morning as I felt the continual birthing pains of God re-birthing me. Electrical-like charges kept going through my stomach and I remained in a fetal position. Yet, it all felt so good. New hope was being birthed in me. I knew I had a new reason to live. Even though it all seemed so weird, I was happy to be weird. I had lived daily in the old normal and now I was ready for a new one.

As morning came, I began to vision what this new day would be like. There were some things I needed to do. I needed to take a shower and get ready. I needed to go to the morning conference meeting. I seemed to be stuck to the bed and the stomach punches weren’t letting up. What was God up to? There was a schedule to keep. So, I crawled to the bathroom in the dark. The shades were still closed. Falling over into the tub in a fetal position, I turned the water on, trying to get to a place where I could function, yet the awesome encounter with God just kept continuing. I laughed. I loved. I worshiped. I received love. I was a mess.

Then the funniest thing happened. God does have a sense of humor. As I was still lying there in the tub, I heard the awful sound of the vacuum cleaner coming down the motel hallway. Would the maid come into the room thinking I was gone to the conference? What a surprise she would have! A weird guy in a tub in a dark bathroom is not what a maid lives to see! The designer of those little bolts and chains that keep someone from coming into a room must be more appreciated in our culture.

I eventually made my way to the conference. Walking up the streets of Dallas, trying not to react so obviously to the stomach punches, was a walk to be remembered. A wild looking man headed straight towards me but he suddenly turned and ran away. Could people see God upon me? Was there an aura around me? I found a seat in the balcony because there were less people there. I settled in and can barely remember that day. It was like I was in two worlds at the same time. I was still drunk from the day before. My upper lip was still numb. I was still stuttering. Sometimes I would just laugh for no reason it seemed. The stomach punches were still coming pretty regular. This was not the normal me.

I caught the shuttle back to the airport later that day. I found myself talking more. My laid-back personality had taken on a new boldness. I wasn’t pushy with religion but I was definitely sharing the wine. The prayer coordinator for Promise Keepers was on the shuttle beside me. I asked him why the movement had not come to Virginia. He shared insight of how so much darkness was flowing down upon our state from Washington. Was this the darkness I would go back to? Had I been given new light to take into this darkness? If so, I felt no fear. The word impossible didn’t seem to fit into my thoughts anymore. What had happened?

To be continued…..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Full Reward

The great Moravian prayer was, “May the Lamb that was slain receive the full reward of His sufferings.” I want to focus on the part, “full reward”. We need to honor God with fullness of reward. We need to reward our Lord. We need to cast some crowns at His feet now. The full appropriation of the blood needs to be evident in our lifestyles. We need to visibly bear testimony that Jesus did not die in vain. We must be witnesses of the Resurrection!

Almost all believers accept the appropriation of the blood for salvation. For many, this is where it ends. However, the entire New Testament is saturated with what the blood of Christ has made available for us. Salvation, righteousness, sanctification and justification are just the beginning benefits. They are foundational. Heaven is the ultimate blessing. However, much is available for the journey. Provision has been made. It is accessible.

In our personal relationship with Christ, we need to exhibit the full reward of His sufferings. This is evident in our salvation. When we are saved, we enjoy the forgiveness He purchased for us. We are different. We are passionate about repentance, confession and discipline of our flesh. It is displayed in the peace we have that surpasses even our own understanding. We are able to be at peace in the midst of change and uncertainty. It is also displayed in His provision for us in every area of our lives. For example, understanding the full appropriation of the blood will cause us to speak health and healing into our bodies. It will cause us to take charge through the atonement of Christ... of every area of our lives. As our relationship matures with Christ, we realize more and more we are becoming mature Sons and Daughters of God.

As maturing sons and daughters of the Kingdom, we need to appropriate our spiritual inheritance. In these times, as the divide becomes greater between darkness and light I think many will come to a greater understanding of this. The times of Isaiah 60 are upon us. Great darkness is on the horizon but the glory of the Lord rises upon us. Believers will bear the glory of the Lord. It will illuminate us to shine like the sun in the Kingdom of our Father. (see Matthew 13:43) It will enlighten us to understand mysteries of the Kingdom reserved for this time. The understanding of these sealed mysteries, that have not previously entered the heart or the minds of man, are being revealed and are to be revealed by the Spirit of the Living God. (see I Corinthians 2:9) They are having and will have great impact upon the maturing sons and daughters of God.

This expression of light will result in a notable harvest of souls beyond anything previously seen. As believers carry this light they will offer salvation and hope as a redemptive provision of the crucified Lamb. Increased turmoil and stress in the world will open the door for multitudes to look for alternate help. Darkness and evil will escalate while the Kingdom of God will be revealed. Against a backdrop of darkness, the curtain will fall revealing the greatest manifestation of glory the world has ever known. We will truly recognize He has saved the best for last.

As we enter the “Cana Wedding” season, we will see every aspect of the kingdom manifested in greater measure. Miracles will happen in greater momentum. We will not stop and think about our previous days that seemed powerless. Instead we will allow the renewing of our minds and believe God like a child for the miracles needed. Just because our prayer wasn’t answered before, it will not hinder us from believing in a new and fresh way. Surrounded by the bitterness, everything will be sweeter to the taste.

The earth also cries out for the full appropriation of the blood. When the blood of Christ fell upon the ground of Calvary, the earth quaked and opened. The veil in the temple was rent. It’s hard to hold back the excitement of the earth. Sometimes it is hard to imagine the earth having feelings of excitement. I am sure it is a different kind of feeling but it is still a feeling. Romans 8 portrays the groaning of the earth, for the revealing of the mature sons and daughters of God - that portrays feeling. The last time I groaned, I remember having some pretty strong feelings behind it.

The full appropriation of the earth is explained in great detail in the Old Testament. Isaiah foretold much about restoration of the earth and its cities. The deserts and wilderness will become prosperous. Wasteland will take on purpose and bloom. There is no reason for any part of the earth to be useless. From the frozen lakes of the north to the beautiful oceans of the Pacific, there is purpose. From Siberia to the multitude of islands in the ocean there is wondrous purpose.

Consider where you live. There is a redemptive purpose for your region and your city. Take some time and research the history of your region or city. Ask God to show the purpose as you read. Sometimes an easy way to find out the redemptive purpose is to look at what the enemy has done, and envision the opposite. Satan cannot create anything but only pervert what has already been created by God. For example, if your city is under depression, God means for it to be a city of joy. If it is a city of poverty, God means for it to offer wealth to the world.

Living in the Appalachian Mountains, I have come to recognize some of the redemptive purposes of these mountains. I am aware of the poverty, ignorance, depression, and negativity. I am aware of the addiction and bondage. I am aware of the injustice of government. This awareness only tends to cause me to envision the real purpose of these mountains. Restoration in these mountains means many things to me. Allow me to share some of it with you. It is simple people, that love the Lord and the land, finding happiness and joy that is so contagious it sends a ripple throughout the earth. It is our dirges giving way to worship songs that will be heard to the ends of earth and time. It is truth coming to unlearned people that astounds doctors and lawyers of high degree. It is depression and negativity giving way to such hope that we will put signs at the entrance of our towns and cities heralding our hope. It is injustice being danced upon as we see the hand of God bringing it to light for all to see. Restoration is having the years that the locusts have eaten restored in an addict's life as he embraces new life through full appropriation of the blood of Christ.

Restoration in these mountains is seeing the beauty return that would make any psalmist weak in his knees. It is the water becoming pure again so that a child can drink from its mountain streams. It is the return of the elk and the animals that once ran upon the high places of the Appalachian Mountains. It is the nostalgia of a visitor that passes through thinking of how life was once peaceful and meaningful. It is the return of Inspiration. It is the return of dreams and visions. It is the return of hope in raising family and living in the fullness of Christ. It is all of this to me and much more. I will continue to understand it as I too grow into a more mature son of the Living God.

The Kingdom of God is characterized with peace, joy, and righteousness. As darkness runs a parallel momentum of evil, there will also be a display of evident light through believers awakened to new truth. Will you allow God to arise in you? Even better, will you allow Him to arise upon you? I believe we stand on the brink of the most significant season of church history. It is a season of a manifestation of Sons and Daughters of God who will do the works that Jesus did. This will be a new normal but an expected normal. There is an expectation of greatness. It is the only answer for the coming darkness. We need to accept and embrace this opportunity for we were born for such a time as this. These times will see the greatest demonstration of grace and appropriation of the blood ever known. We will awaken to the call so that Christ may receive the full reward for His sufferings. To do less would be shameful.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Line in the Sand

Inevitably, in this world, there is darkness and there is light. Like a line in the sand choices are before us. We can glorify the light or the darkness. According to Isaiah 60 there will be great darkness upon the earth, but the glory of the Lord will arise upon believers. We are encouraged to arise and shine as brilliant lights in the midst of the darkness. This is wonderful news that brings tremendous hope. The gospel means good news, and this is good news!

Many of us listen daily to an onslaught of troublesome news. From the recent uprisings in northern Africa to the troubles in the Mid-east, there is no shortage of sad news around the world. Rightly so, there should be concern about the trouble – about the dark things we deal with in our world. However, some people choose to go to another level and are singing their dirge about the darkness. Others believe that the worse the world becomes, the more it fulfills prophecy and the closer the exit (rapture) is. Very little needs to happen to cause someone to say, “The end is getting nearer.” The end times began in the book of Acts and we are still here.

The healthiest thing we can do is put all the scriptures together. As the first three verses of Isaiah 60 speak of the darkness and the light, we realize there will be both. To recognize only one is unbalanced. As much as I glorify the light, I am not in denial that there is darkness out there. Those who glorify the darkness consistently focus on and talk about the darkness. For them, there is the need to recognize the power of light. We need to understand that it is the supreme will of God to invade darkness with light.

The Genesis story opens with darkness upon the earth. It is followed by the intrusion of light to restore all that we see and enjoy today. The Genesis story is about restoration, as God tells man to replenish the earth. God had penetrated the darkness and now man could enjoy the replenishing of the earth. It’s like God taking us into a totally dark house and turning on the lights. He then instructs us to fill it up as He provides everything we can dream of or envision for that house. The continuing result is a beautiful, purposeful, profitable, workable home. Is not this a parable of the earth?

This understanding must also be applied to our personal lives. In the most simple or worst of problems we can glorify the problem or glorify the solution. The choice is ours. The outcome is changeable. Negative energy in a room is a hard atmosphere for faith to flourish. I figure that is why Jesus put most everyone out of the room when He raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead (see Mark 5:37). Peter followed the same example when he raised Dorcas from the dead (see Acts 9:40). I often feel more liberty and power to pray and proclaim healing over a sick person as I ride down the highway after I leave the hospital. Negative energy will cripple the atmosphere. Jesus did not do many miracles in some towns because of the unbelief. Yet, He readily helped anyone who cried out, “Lord, help my unbelief!” It is understandable that we may struggle with unbelief but we must not glorify the adverse circumstances and revel in negativity. There is a difference.

A central theme that weaved itself into sermons in the late 70’s in the Appalachian Mountains was escapism. This theme taught us to believe that things would get worse and worse until the Lord came to rapture us out of the mess. Using the Revelation church letters to back up the idea, it was proposed that we were the Laodicean church age. We were supposed to be the generation that Jesus would come back for and receive as His bride. What was wrong with that picture? In reality, who would want a bride that looked like that? It would be like a noble bride coming down the aisle in a feed sack dress and barefooted. This is a mockery of the desire and will of God.

The bride of Christ will not be mocked. He is dressing us up as a glorified Bride. Speaking of this, the scripture tells us, “that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:27) In Peter’s second sermon recorded in Acts, he says this about the return of Christ, “whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.” (Acts 3:21, 22)

We will not leave earth as a beaten-up-by-the-darkness bride. We will be united with our most awesome Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, in victory. We will be smiling, shouting, dancing, triumphant… not just because of His return, but because it has become our lifestyle. We have learned to dance in the darkness until the lights come on. We have learned to trade our sorrow for joy. We have traded our ashes for garland. We have a mantle of praise instead of depression. We have chosen to glorify the light instead of the darkness.

The line that has been drawn in the sand is there for us to make a choice. We can easily step across the line – out of negativity and into faith. We can continue to send off negative energy and thoughts and thereby hinder the advancement of the kingdom of God. Yet on the other hand, we can arise and become light in the midst of darkness. The choice is ours. The choice needs to be made quickly. For those who choose to ignore the power of light there is the greatest possibility of falling into a dark delusion. This happens in Romans 1 as Paul describes how certain people choose not to recognize God and therefore fall into great delusion. I am sensing the danger of this more than I ever have. I talk to people who see no danger in their continual flood of negative conversations. To some, this very negativity seems to be the passion of their life. Others seem to be unable to rise above it and even feel guilty if they experience happiness. People’s minds have been brainwashed so long into believing that they are unworthy of being blessed that blessings are accompanied by extreme guilt. What a trap! We can step across the line. We can choose to allow Him the tender precious process of transforming our minds.

What greater way to recognize God than to recognize Him as love and light? Jesus said He was the light of the world in one place and then He said that we – believers – are the light of the world. Together, with Him, we are light. Glorify the light. Recognize the darkness – even great darkness, but only perceive the darkness as an element in a great adventure… an adventure in which to carry the light. Carry your light. Go into the darkness… and we will share the testimony in eternity.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Kind of Normal for Creation

The cry of creation is getting louder. It has only one desire. The desire is for believers to awaken to the fullness of an understanding of their identity. We are the sons and daughters of God!

This scenario is played out in Romans 8 like a great drama with the universe as the backdrop. The players include saints, creation, Holy Spirit and the main star is Jesus Christ Himself. The plot is intense intercession displayed by all the players. The script is unidentifiable at times, as groanings are being made so deep that interpretation is lacking.

Why would such an event be taking place? What is all the fuss about? What is the big deal? Isn’t it normal for things to continue as they are? Aren’t times supposed to get worse?

This great drama of the ages was already on stage as Paul wrote the letter to the Roman church in the 1st century. The intercession was intensifying. Jesus had risen victorious over death, hell and the grave. Heaven and earth were joining as one mighty chorus to cry out for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. Thousands were being saved. Many were walking in power modeling the risen Savior. It was the brightest ray of hope since the fall of the first parents who had lost a measure of their authority over the earth. Briars had begun to grow and curses and famine had become normal. Like a giant dark cloud the days became darker as evil forces took up residence above the earth. The prince of the air was jubilant in his reign over territory that once was touched by the blessing and glory of God. However, the changing of the guards had taken place at Calvary and creation awakened with new excitement. It was time… time for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.

Creation understands that when the Sons and Daughters of God take their rightful place that things will change. Creation also knows that when we grasp such a truth with simple understanding of who we are, there comes power and the release of inheritance.

Understanding who we are awakens thoughts of royalty. We begin to learn the ways of royalty.Scripture speaks of how Samuel began to teach Israel the ways of royalty (see I Samuel 10:25 NKJV). He explained to the nation how to live in a kingdom of royalty before the golden years of David and Solomon. David was still in the mountains tending sheep while Samuel was writing down the ways of royalty for the people to follow. It was going to be a different protocol. It was a prophetic act of Samuel to prepare the people. God is preparing and calling us to walk the ways of royalty as sons and daughters. We belong to a kingdom and we are the King’s kids.

Speaking of greatness in the kingdom of God, Jesus boldly proclaimed that we must enter as children. I bet that statement made creation jolt. Matthew 18:4 states that this approach of being child-like makes us the greatest in the kingdom. The reason it makes us the greatest is because it puts us in the posture to receive from the Father. What we receive is not based on our works but it’s about who we are – His children. Creation understands that there are no limits to the power and possibilities of sons. When revealed sons and daughters of God understand this relationship, the ways of heaven come to earth.

Creation can envision restoration of all things that were ever taken from the children of God. With the eye of a dove it looks straight ahead. It will not turn to the right or to the left, but groans with a vision of complete restoration. It looks ahead with this resolve. Evil or the results of evil cannot sidetrack her. Creation understands that there is nothing that can stop this restoration process except ignorance. Ignorance of who we are in God’s family slows the progress of all creation. It hinders the kingdom of God from advancing on the earth. Yet, upon a single revelation of this truth lightning bolts of power proceed from the very throne room of God in Heaven. Angels get excited and creation dances.

This is one of the most exciting dramas of all time. The players are intense and passionate. It unfolds in a scenario of simple truth but has the ability to turn the world upside down. It causes deserts to bloom. It causes mountains to become plains and marsh lands to dry up. It causes cities to be restored to their redemptive nature and nations to be saved. Above all, it causes the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to fill the earth.

This great drama of restoration is not just some little Christmas play to make our hearts warm and give us fuzzy feelings. It is not even a tear-jerker. The groan is deeper than tears. This is bigger than the imagination can imagine. It is bigger than the thoughts of the most intimate follower of God. It is more real than the most colorful dream ever dreamed and greater than man’s greatest vision.

Creation is crying out for change while we are often buffeted by simple trials. Creation is caught up in vision of restoration while we allow ourselves to stumble over simple triumphs of evil around us. Harps have been hung upon the willow tree while we have wallowed in the effects of bondage. There have been times of blindness upon our eyes like scales while we have sung about how well we can see. It is well time we awaken to see that the things we don’t see are more real than the things we do see. The supernatural realm around us is more real than the natural world we live in. Much of the natural will perish while the things presently unseen will be eternal. Like Elisha’s servant, may we pray for our eyes to be opened to see what is actually unfolding around us (see II Kings 6:17). Most of this drama of the ages cannot be seen with the natural eye. However, we will behold with amazement the results of it all.

Nations are in uproar and we stand by seemingly helpless. It is our finest moment. We were born for such a time as this. Darkness begins to fall upon the earth, even great darkness comes like storm clouds. Yet, the good news is the glory of God rises upon us, beckoning us to arise and shine (see Isaiah 60). We are to ask for the nations as an inheritance (see Psalms 2).

Jesus demonstrated every realm of restoration. He calmed the storms. I am sure that creation loved this. I like it when He calms me. He took authority over the created order. He multiplied matter when He multiplied the bread and fish. He healed the sick. He took authority over disease and sickness. He raised the dead. He cast out demons. He modeled lordship over the natural realm, the spiritual realm, the physical realm, and even death. He was demonstrating a new day of restoration. He was taking back what had been taken from the first Adam. As the second Adam, He was exercising every right forfeited by the first Adam. Everything Jesus did for 33 years, He did as a man. We sometimes want to think He did it as God and the result of this kind of thinking is failure to live up to the life He modeled for man. In our thinking, we feel we are limited to model Him because He performed as God. He chose to do everything as a man thereby setting a new kind of normal for the earth.

We have been trained for warfare. We are to forcefully advance the kingdom of God. We have the Word, the Name of Jesus, and the blood as our weapons. Through praise we send the enemy to flight. There are seasons of intense war. However, there are also seasons to rest as sons and daughters of the King. Even the warfare seasons are more fruitful if approached as sons and daughters. Sons and daughters of God have an unlimited inheritance now and for eternity. There is no reason to save all the inheritance for the next life. As sons and daughters we need to posture ourselves before the Lord as children and receive. Being in His presence will empower us and equip us to go forth with all we need.

In the Vietnam war, which many Americans see as the most useless war we ever fought, there was slow progress. It has been reported that for every enemy taken there was an average of 50,000 bullets used. That is an astounding ratio. Are we doing much better in the spiritual battle of our times? Our God will give us wisdom as a gift so that we can know our seasons. If we don’t walk in this wisdom we may have the same results as the Vietnam bullet ratio. His wisdom will show us when to forcefully advance in authority and when to humble ourselves in the position of sons and daughters to simply receive what war could never acquire.

Get ready earth! Creation groans louder. May the darkest places rejoice the most. The earth was formless, void and dark in the first verses of Genesis. The Spirit of God moved upon the earth and we still stand in amazement at what happened. The Spirit moved in that drama of the ages and the earth was restored. Now, joined by the Saints and Jesus Christ Himself, let all creation join in the loudest groanings ever uttered for the restoration of all things. With this restoration Jesus will no longer be retained in the heavens, but will come in great power and glory (see Acts 3:21). We say…. yes to His yes and Amen to His Amen!