Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Thumbs Up of God

The New Normal must rely upon a thumbs up from God. Everything we say and do needs to be in alignment with what He is saying and doing. It is so exciting to break new ground and be pioneers in these times but each new direction always needs a warrant from the King. An Apostle is someone sent on a special mission for the King. Our missions, small or great must originate from His desk. We must be in agreement with Him. It is His desire to be in agreement with us. I figure the universe itself is somewhat like a paper weight on the desk of our Heavenly Father. This makes us smaller than a piece of sand, and then to think that He thinks this much of us. I am overwhelmed. He wants me…. Smaller than a piece of sand… to agree with Him. It is important to Him.
We need to agree with what God says about us, our future and our relationship with Him. We hear Him speak through His written word and other various ways. The word must be read under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The other various ways must be carefully discerned. God’s still small voice must be heard over our own soulish desires crying out to be heard. Dreams and visions need the Holy Spirit’s interpretation. Words through others have to be tried and tested. Maturity in our conversations with God will make all of these much easier. As we tune our hearts to hear Him, His voice becomes louder and more sure to us. To sense His agreement with us is what I refer to as a “thumbs up from God”. However, on the flip side of the coin, we need to be in agreement with God also.

To be in agreement with God means that we have the same mind as He does. In other words, we need to be developing the mind of Christ within us like never before! We can meditate on the words and actions of Christ in the gospels. Let Him mold us instead of the uncertain doctrines of men. Jesus was really more different than a lot of religious leaders portray Him. Some have done no more than box Him into a personality, not much different than the Pharisees and religious leaders of His day. This is so unfair, since Jesus came to break that mold. Jesus’ mind and passion was full of forgiveness, justice, and love. He was a man of joy. He persevered in the worst of storms. He was sacrificial to the point of giving His life. There was no arrogance, pride or jealousy in His heart. His motives were pure. These are only a few examples of so many of the attributes of the mind and passions of Christ.

To understand agreement with our Father, we may need some understanding of the word “agree” itself. Some of the definitions of the word "agree" are: "To be of one mind; to harmonize in opinion, to live in concord, or without contention, to yield assent." I especially like the last one when it comes to being in agreement with my Father. I want to yield my assent to Him. Even the word assent holds depth, when it comes to our relationship with God. Assent means to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration. I love to think upon what the Father speaks to my spirit. There are three words that Webster uses to define the word "agreement". These three words are concord, harmony, and conformity. It is so good to be in concord and harmony with someone….. especially God. Then, when I am out of alignment I need to come into conformity.

To come into conformity may require us to change some wine-skins. Jesus told a parable about the danger of putting new wine into old wine-skins. He said the new wine will burst the skins and the wine will be wasted. (see Luke 5:36-39) Our wine-skin needs to agree with God’s plans. Unless we are able to embrace the new living word of God for our lives and times we cannot have fullness of life. If we choose to hang onto old habits and wrong beliefs that are useless to the kingdom of God, we will fail to walk in unity with God. Even new ideas that fail to get His stamp of approval are useless. We definitely need the “thumbs up” of our Father.

Sometimes our wine-skins are soaked in disappointment and bitterness. If this is true, we will need to allow ourselves to receive healing so that we can come into agreement with God's divine will for our lives. We cannot allow the discouragement of past challenges to dictate our future. God wants us to walk in victory. We must allow the disappointments of the past to die. We need to confess them to our Father and receive healing and receive from Him the power to go forward.

Psalm 133 speaks of unity and agreement and it’s power in our lives. It is a perfect example of how unity releases life to God's people. He actually breathes life into us, as well as our situations as we come into unity. Jesus also explained the principle of the power of agreement in regards to spiritual warfare. He said that whatever we bind on earth is bound in Heaven. He said that whatever we loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. This is powerful stuff. (see Matthew 18:18,19) Jesus is saying that we have the power to bind the enemy if we will come into agreement with Heaven. The word "agree" in this passage is the Hebrew word sumphoneo, which again implies being in unity or being harmonious. However, it is connected to another word, phone, which is described as "noise, sound, (and) voice." I think we can be safe to say that Jesus was inviting us to come into unity with the sound of Heaven and the voice of Heaven…. which is God's voice!

In Matthew 16:19 Jesus continued His discourse on agreement by saying that if a couple of us agree on earth, the Father recognizes it in Heaven. Paul tells us that we need to agree with each other, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with us. This brings to us the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. (see II Corinthians 13:11;14) Wow… what great power…. agreement brings to us. It invokes the presence of the Triune God. I believe this passage is referring to the bringing together of one sound. Our agreement with God and our harmony with one another brings it together. This one sound should fully reflect the sound from Heaven. When we are in agreement with God there is surely life and when we are in harmony with one another, there is a release of even more life!

I recently attended the funeral of my brother who died after a four wheeler accident. He lived in another state, so I asked some of those who were with him in his last hours about his response to it all. My brother never spoke much of spiritual things and I wasn’t sure about his faith. I talked with his friend who was with him at the scene of the accident and asked him some questions. He said when my brother was going into emergency surgery he asked him about his relationship with God and he gave him a gesture. My brother gave his friend a thumbs up.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


With so much burn out in ministry we need to understand that there needs to be seasons of rest. The ideal type of ministry is to listen to God and only say and do what we hear and see Him doing. It becomes an easier and more prosperous ministry. As the grapes lie dormant for a season and then produce the sweetest wine… we can do the same. Our time of rest can be powerful.

Abraham received the greatest covenant of the Old Testament. He was asleep during most of it. He laid out a sacrifice of a heifer, goat, and ram along with a turtledove and a pigeon. He cut the three animals into two pieces and kept the vultures away. When the sun was going down Abram fell into a deep sleep. The Lord showed him how his people would be enslaved for 400 years. A flaming torch and smoke passed down the path of sacrifice and God laid out the promise of the nations borders. None of this happened while he was fighting the buzzards away. It happened while he was resting. (see Genesis 15)

Jacob spent so much time striving. He came out of his mothers womb striving. He strove with his twin brother for birthright and blessing of inheritance. Years later on his way back with his family to the promised land, he arrived at Penuel. He sent his family on ahead and was left alone for a night. An angel (or the pre-incarnate Christ) wrestled with him until day break. (see Genesis 32) After this experience Jacob mellowed. He began to rest in the promises of the Lord. As an old man he entered Egypt years later to live in the land of Goshen. It was a special land set aside in the midst of a great empire just for him and his family. It was a place of rest for him as he watched his children’s children play and live in this special place.

The apostle John was left on the isle of Patmos. Here he received one of the greatest revelations of the New Testament. Just when we think we may have been put on a shelf, God walks through the door with new purpose for our lives. We must learn to celebrate rest. We don’t need to apologize for rest. Faith and trust will help us to celebrate rest.

In the beginning of the book of Genesis, we find God creating days. It tells us that the evening and morning were the first day. The day began with evening. This is the way God created it. Our day begins with rest. This is a new normal for us. To change our mindset to see that God wants us to begin our days with rest, will be a little difficult for most of us. In our culture we celebrate labor and works more than we celebrate the importance of rest. The reason we sometimes fail to have victory in the daytime may be because we haven’t learned the value of rest in the night.
What can we accomplish during the night? Or better still, what can God accomplish in us during the night? Scripture tells us that God opens the ears of man and seals his instruction during the night. (see Job 33:15-17)

Our time of rest is an opportune time for God to speak to us and to give us direction. While we are asleep He can give us dreams and even place understanding into our hearts about things we were confused about when we went to sleep. I have experienced this and have heard testimonies of others who have went to sleep unsure about things. Often to our surprise we have awakened with confidence and new understanding. Our sleep time is an important time of our day. It is vital for the rest of our day as we meet the challenges of the morning. His mercies are new and fresh each morning. In the night season He has prepped us for the coming morning. What a wise and wonderful God we worship.

I have always liked Psalm 127. It begins by telling us that unless the Lord builds the house, and guards the city, all is vain. It goes on to describe painful labors. Painful labors are when we rise early and retire late. This is quite the opposite of how we have been taught. We honor those who work extra hours. We honor those who get up early and go to bed at midnight. God honors those who take time to rest and allow Him to work. An old word used much in the past by the church is, Providence. Providence can be pictured as the big hand of God just stirring itself around in the affairs of man. That’s what we want. We want His input in our daily work.

God often speaks instructions to us during our waking hours. But, we cannot limit God to only speaking to us during the waking hours. Job tells us the reason God instructs us during the night is to keep us from the grips of pride. When we are asleep and God speaks to us we have nothing to do with it. We cannot take any credit for anything other than simply committing our sleep to Him. He also gives us such powerful dreams and visions that it changes our conduct. In Psalm 127:2 it tells us that God gives to His beloved, even in his sleep. This is beautiful. The God of all good and perfect gifts gives to us even in our sleep. We have so underestimated the power of sleep. We have not honored or celebrated rest. Let’s embrace a new normal of rest.

When we retire in the evening it would be good to focus our attention upon the Lord. The Church has pushed Bible reading for early morning and made countless people feel guilty who prefer reading of the evening. Could it be that reading of the evening is more beneficial? We were taught that to wait until evening was like giving God the leftovers. However, if we now understand that evening is the beginning of the day, we are giving God the first fruits. Wow! How powerful truth is in setting us free. For all of you out there who have felt condemnation for not getting up an hour early each morning to read…. be free. There is now no condemnation for those in Christ (see Romans 8:1). Many of our little neat ideas about study and prayer are tools of condemnation. As the Lord has birthed in your heart to commune with Him, follow Him instead of the ways and programs of man. Each of us must receive instruction from the Lord. He has designed the night for you to position yourself with Him to change the nature of your coming day. How beautiful is the Lord and all His ways.

I have a friend who struggled for years with feelings of condemnation when he awakened each morning. When he awakened he felt so void of God and His love. Although he was a part of ongoing cutting edge ministry, he battled with feelings of being out of touch with God each morning. I have felt this way some mornings but not to the degree my friend has experienced this.

A solution for this is to commit our nights to God. As we fall asleep we need to turn our hearts and all its affections upon Him. Fall asleep with pillow talk between you and Jesus. Talk to the Shepherd instead of counting sheep. Adore Him and overwhelm His heart as you fall into the arms of the Lover of your soul. If you awake during the night continue to do the same. A new kind of normal will form into a new habit, as you continually receive from Him even in this precious time of rest.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A new kind of normal will bring more responsibility. It will raise the bar for us in our works and extension of the kingdom of God here on earth. Our works will need to speak louder of how we have been with Jesus. When we are tempted to do wrong, we need to be stronger so we can be people of power. Business as usual will need to change.

The healing of the lame man as Peter and John went to the temple brought amazing publicity. They were questioned by the authorities and eventually spent some nights in jail…. but not before 5,000 more people were saved. The amazing conclusion that the authorities came to was that these men had been with Jesus. Upon returning to their team for a report of what had happened, the disciples were again filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word with even greater boldness and power. The result of persecution was their being of one heart and one soul. With great power they gave testimony of the Resurrection of Christ. After the incident with Ananias and Sapphira the church experienced great fear (see Acts 5:11) However the people held them in high esteem (see Acts 5:13). They were changing their society.

When the early disciples experienced these things, it changed their lives. As their society held them in higher esteem their responsibility changed. They couldn’t just have a good day and then a bad day. Any normal day they might be called upon to minister to a sick person. Any day they might have to answer the authorities and they needed the Holy Spirit to give them the appropriate answer. Any day they might need the power of God to do the works they knew they couldn’t do themselves. They needed daily manna from the Lord. Yesterdays experience weren’t enough. They needed the mercies of God new and fresh each morning. They had to be more intense in their pursuit of God and stronger in times of temptation. They had to be instant in season and out of season. They had to rise above their feelings and emotions. Each day they needed to be faithful to the anointing upon their lives.

It wasn’t about them being watched by the people but that they were on a momentum with God. When we get on a momentum with God, who wants it to stop? We want to go from glory to glory. Once we have tasted of the heavenly gifts we want to stay at the table eternally. Once we have waded into the Rivers of God we want to swim. Our works aren’t obligation based but hunger based.

When I am tempted to sin or tempted to become lax in my pursuit of God, I think about who may need me to minister to them. If I am walking in error how can I expect the power of God to be upon me in its fullest measure? I know that all believers have been used by God even when in error or after major failures, but we cannot continue to knowingly abuse the grace of God. We must keep a good balance between grace offered and grace abused. We must not allow guilt and condemnation to hinder us (see Romans 8:1). However, we need to lay aside every weight and sin that does so easily beset us so we can run the race and do the works of God (see Hebrews 12:1). By the grace of God given in Christ we need to do the works of God with confidence having a clear conscience before God. With this confidence we can readily meet the responsibilities that come each day.

In times of God’s visitation and times of outpouring more is required. When truth is flowing without measure there is more required. For the believer who sits and hears a nice homily on Sunday morning, there may be no inward urge to go out on the streets and pray for the sick. For multitudes of believers that hear the same sermons over and over as they are lulled asleep week after week, there may be no inward passion awakened to take a lame man by the hand and tell him to walk in Jesus’ name. However, for those who have ears to hear that Jesus has said that we would do “greater works“, something awakens in us and we can’t see things the same anymore (see John 14:12). This causes a new normal of responsibility. It’s dangerous to listen to truth if we aren’t willing to walk in it.

One of the most dangerous heresies (here in the Appalachian mountains) is teachers who teach people to hold on to what they label as the “old time religion”. Their ideas about “old time religion” aren’t really old enough. If they would only go back to the teachings of the early disciples they would not be denying the power of God for our times. The true “old time” way has its foundation and roots in the ways of the early disciples who walked with God and people were laid in the streets to be healed as their shadow passed by. If we are not careful, “old time religion” can become nothing more than a watered down version of powerless teachings passed down by teachers unwilling to pursue God for deeper truths found in the scriptures. These teachings often become flavored with escapism offering little hope for solutions in life now. There is almost no challenge to have faith in God for the greater things He so desperately wants to do among us. Often, escapism makes a mockery of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray (see Matthew 6:12). Our prayer, proclamation, and desire must be for the ways of Heaven to come to earth instead of us only wanting to go to heaven for the better life. A new normal will require us to bring the agenda of Heaven to earth on a daily basis.

Jesus spoke often about responsibility. He said that when we are given much, there is much required. When we are entrusted with much, more will be asked of us (see Luke 12:48). Our generation is responsible for more than the last because of the knowledge and wisdom it has been given. It seems we have advanced in every arena of life and it calls for more responsibility. For example, we see how technology advances with powerful acceleration and we stand in amazement. Likewise, the kingdom of God advances forcefully as a new normal is set. God has never been and never will be outdated. He is the Ancient of Days and He makes all things new. We are not to become a people of compromise, but we are to invade and make a difference in our culture and society. Revelation portrays Babylon as a system that controls the earth in the end times. It is a political, commercial, and religious system. Instead of fearing Babylon, we must invade Babylon. It is our responsibility to make a difference.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shoulders of the Saints

One of the main reasons we can go beyond the normal in our spiritual maturity is the shoulders on which we stand. Those that have pioneered the way before us have built highways for us to travel faster and farther. Their shoulders are strong and we must honor these men and women of God. To dishonor them is to slow down our process of maturity and purpose.

I remember a mountain family that I befriended in the mid 70’s. Hanging out with them as they farmed and did their chores was a great opportunity for me to hear of their experiences. They told me about the bumps in the road. I listened carefully and was blessed to miss some of the bumps. They were just simple people living their lives for Jesus. We had debates about my hair being a little too long. They didn’t agree with my belief that I could date more than one girl at a time. I didn’t know any different. They dressed a different way than most believers do today. However, they weren’t unwise, naïve, or out of touch with God anymore than I am today in sandals and jeans. My hair isn’t worth arguing over anymore and dating is a thing of the past. I appreciate the opportunity of standing on their shoulders.

I remember the Taylor brothers and how they pioneered revival of their day. Big tent meetings and crowds of people marked their path. Hard preaching and old time singing was what they called it. I didn’t agree with all their doctrines and I didn’t copy their style of preaching. My songs I sing now are almost 100% worship phrases with some testimony. Upon request I might sing an old escapist song about getting out of here and going to Heaven, but I prefer proclaiming occupancy and extension of the Kingdom of Heaven now. I haven’t backslid and they weren’t ignorant. I just have the privilege of standing on their shoulders. I was born “spiritually short”, and so for them to pick me up on their shoulders and let me see the parade means a lot. The view from here is great. But, without them I would still be very short.

Some of those before us were wrong in their doctrines and some even fell hard in times of temptation. Great Revivalist of the 1900’s often fell because of the money, self-glory, and sexual temptation. I used to think if someone fell that we should forget all they taught us. I am glad the Holy Spirit didn’t forget David and Solomon. My favorite saints of the Bible are probably the ones who failed the most. I still stand on their shoulders.

A believer that may have challenged me the most didn’t even believe in Trinity. I never brought the subject up but they did fairly often. I wasn’t about to budge from my beliefs in that department. However we have remained close friends and I have really enjoyed the testimonies that have come from this person. I am Wesleyan and yet have worked side by side with Calvinists. Many times I have kept quiet in debates so I could still stand on the shoulders of those different from me. I still do it today. Outside of the basic doctrines of our faith I don’t ague over doctrines. However, I choose to be very radical when I happen upon revelation and truth that the Holy Spirit brings to the light for me. I choose to honor those that have gone before me by standing on their shoulders. I am able to see farther because of them.

To take the Bride of Christ to new levels and defy the norm in our times could never happen without the shoulders of the past to stand upon. Any new truth and revelation follows close behind those who have paid the price to purchase the simple truths we have heard a hundred times. Every level of the mountain must be maintained so there can be those who reach the top to get the new view. Unlike the children of Israel who were busy making a golden calf, we choose to accompany Moses to receive the oracles of God. Some of us may maintain certain levels of the mountain while others of us will continue to the top. We will behold the glory of the Lord and then we will bring the glory back into all the other levels of the mountain. Scripture tells us that Moses shined with the Presence of the Lord upon him. Although the nation wouldn’t go with him upon the mountain, he brought the glory back down to them.

There have been those who have pushed me up the mountain. They may not have been privileged to see what I see today but they longed for it. Scripture speaks of us being able to see times that the prophets longed to see. We stand on their shoulders. How glorious is the view! Never has vision been more clear. Never have dreams been more numerous. It’s the joy of standing on the shoulders of the saints.