Thursday, August 4, 2011

When Eagles Fly ~ Part One

One of the most comforting and awesome scripture verses is Isaiah 40:31. It encourages us to wait upon the Lord so that we might mount up like the eagle. It also assures us of the possibility of being able to run and not grow weary. That precious verse is followed by chapter 41 of Isaiah with its promises of strength, help and restoration. I believe that this chapter gives us a beautiful picture of what happens when eagles fly.

Isaiah 41 begins with an encouragement to be silent and listen to God. This action alone will bring new strength. Afterwards, we are invited to come before God for judgment. We often fear judgment because of our sins. However, the more of our sins that we allow to be judged now, the less need there will be to have them judged later.

Paul tells us that as believers we must come before the judgment seat of Christ (see II Corinthians 5:10). This is called the “Bema” in the Greek. Paul also gives some more information on this “Bema Judgment” when he tells us that there are some of our works that will be burned up and others that will remain. Works that are real and precious like gold, silver, and precious stones will remain. Those things that are compared to hay, wood, and stubble will be burned up (see I Corinthians 3:12).

An old eagle will go alone in silence to a waterfall. There he will stand and begin to pluck out his old feathers. Then he may hit his beak against the rock until is breaks off. Standing bare, he lets the waterfall wash over him and waits on the process of new feathers to grow back. Once this happens, he has what would seem to be a second chance at life. It is a hard process but a valuable one.

There are feathers that we need to pluck out and discard. Our beak (mouth) is getting old and needs renewed. We need a second take on life that is refreshing with a renewed mind and soul. But, it can only begin as we go before the judgment seat of Christ. There, we must allow Him to judge our works and the intents of our heart. Those things that are not birthed of Him must be discarded. Those things that no longer have spirit and life in them must be discarded. Those things that we only borrowed from others thinking they were of God must be discarded. Our beliefs, doctrines, and opinions need to be judged of Christ so that we can really live. Many of us are getting older and do not have the time to waste on things that are not precious. The hay, wood, and stubble must go. Life is too precious.

I believe that God is calling us to look at three scriptures that will enlighten us to the judgment of this time. There is not one that is more important than the other or is there any certain sequence. The first is Hebrews 4:12, which tells us that there must be a division of soul and spirit. Soulish opinions and ideas are things that we have birthed. They are usually good ideas and may look like the best way. However, God didn’t birth the idea or the opinion. Spirit ideas are most often birthed in the secret place. They can be tested and found strong in the midst of any storm or test. They are not always something we would think of first but somehow God just breaks through the walls of our mind and gives us a spirit revelation.

The second scripture that we need to look at is I Peter 4:17 which tells us that judgment must begin with the house of God. Believers need to judge themselves instead of the world judging us. Correction needs to happen within the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit will convict and show us many of our sins and wrong attitudes. However, sometimes we need to correct others in a spirit of meekness. If we find ourselves being corrected by others we need to take this before God and prayerfully repent if necessary. We must guard against being offended. A false martyr spirit often can appear. A person that has been corrected feels they have been betrayed and hurt. They find comfort in this false martyr spirit. Martyrdom is real, but until we see some crosses on the hillside or rocks coming our way as crowds gather around us, it is premature to think we are being martyred.

The third scripture is Acts 17:30 and it reminds us that there have been times that God has overlooked some of our actions. However, He is now calling us to repent of these actions. Our times of ignorance cannot go on forever. There are things we may have gotten by with before, but God is calling us to a closer walk in which these things need to be corrected. The feathers that allowed us to fly yesterday are now being plucked out and new ones will replace the old.

When eagles fly it is great to have new feathers. It is sweet to have new strength. It is powerful to walk in the Spirit instead of our soul. It is a joy to receive correction without feeling martyred. It is good to have a new lease on life. The waterfalls are precious as we wait beside them for the new feathers to appear. Deep calls to deep at the sound of God’s waterfalls. It is the place where all the breakers and waves of God roll over us. What an awesome experience it is to fly.

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