Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking the Higher Ways

The Scriptures tell us that God dwells on High (see Isaiah 57:15). There is no question that His ways are higher than our ways. However, we are also invited to join Him in all that He is doing. This includes taking the higher ways. We can live the lifestyle of Heaven now. The Kingdom dwells within us as believers. We are not called to be just normal. We need to transcend.

Before the first coming of Christ the power of God came upon people. They received words, visions, and dreams at times. Some, like David and Elijah, reached beyond their time and walked in great power and anointing. The power of God was upon them. After the Resurrection of Christ, the power of God now resides and works within the believer. Everything has changed. The earth has never seen such a people. Even creation groans for us to be released into our full potential. It is no longer about a visitation of God; it is about enjoying His habitation with us. We are not asking for His presence, but resting in it and enjoying it in greater measure as we are awakened to the revelation of His ways. Things God has already done and decreed no longer need to be begged for. We need to step into His promises and declare the beauty of the Lord.

When the word high is used in scripture, it usually refers to a place where someone has transcended. In laymen terms, it means going beyond our previous place or experience. We are going higher because we are advancing to another level. These levels usually come because of revelation that the Spirit opens up to us. There are things that are almost unimaginable but God reveals them to us by His Spirit. So, the question is, are we willing to go beyond our previous experience? It is a choice. It is a mindset. It is an adventure.

In Luke 9, Jesus took three of His disciples upon a mountain we know as the Mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus took them outside their normal boundaries. He showed them things that were not normal for them. In those moments, Moses and Elijah appeared. Jesus Himself was transfigured before them and glistened in His Glory. They were amazed. Peter suggested staying there and building tents. His suggestion wasn’t accepted. When the moments were over they again descended down the mountain to a major problem as the other nine disciples were struggling to cast a demon out of a child. Although they descended they had transcended. They would never be the same. They had experienced something great, powerful and new. They were not to even speak of it until after the Resurrection. Peter wanted to stay there but Jesus knew there would be even greater experiences. We are never to remain with a great experience. We are to go forward. We must choose to allow God to take us beyond any previous experience. The cloud moved in the Old Testament to teach the Children of Israel that He was a God on the move. He is still ever so much on the move. His personality stays the same yesterday, today, and forever but His ways are always worth finding out. They are fresh and exciting as He is.

Are you up for the adventure? Do you want to go higher? Fear or satisfaction may cause us to balk. Fear can always take the best out of any adventure. Satisfaction with life as it is, usually ends up in boredom and regret that we didn’t take the chance to go different directions we could have taken. Holy Spirit stands ready to take us forward as revelation unfolds. Will you go beyond the previous experience? May we joyfully experience the higher ways of our God.

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