Thursday, July 14, 2011

How They Love

An in-depth study of the twenty-four Elders in the book of Revelation offers us more than just symbolism. Their reaction to all that happens in Heaven is remarkable. Elders hold honorable authority in church-life on earth, but these Elders in Heaven seem to honor and adore the Father on a much higher level.

They sit on thrones and they are clothed in white. Upon their heads are golden crowns (see Revelation 4 and 5). When the creatures of Heaven give honor, the Elders fall down before the Father and give their crowns to Him. When the book of judgment is about to be opened and they have a problem finding someone worthy to open the book, Jesus is found in the midst of the Elders. Jesus enjoys hanging out with these guys. When it is announced that Jesus will open the books, the Elders take up their harps, and golden bowls full of incense. They begin to sing a new song of His worthiness. The angels respond in creation-shattering praise and the creatures say, “Amen.” The Elders respond by falling down again and worshiping.

One definition (in the Greek) describing the word worship, is to respond like a dog licks the hand of its master. It would be safe that the Elders love and honor the Father so much they bow and lick the hand of the Father. If you prefer kiss the hand of the Father that is good too…. I just hope you get the picture. Here are persons of greatest authority sitting on thrones in Heaven and they have so much love that Jesus hangs out with them and they love to kiss the hand of the Father. What great love and adoration is portrayed here! This is a picture of the grace of true authority.

On earth, we seldom see people of authority being approachable or responding with much love. They usually are somewhat reserved and often abuse the authority given unto them. Elders in scripture were in that office because of longevity and faithfulness. It was the highest and most respected office in the early church. They were men and women who had been faithful to the Lord for a long time. However, time had not made them arrogant or prideful. They remained broken and humble before God.

Scripture tells us that the saints will judge the world and angels (see I Corinthians 6:2,3). Paul reasons that since we are given such an important task, we should be able to handle and judge smaller matters while still here in this life. This must take place from a place of love and with the grace of true authority. Our best example is Heaven’s example. Notice the love, adoration, and passion of the twenty-four Elders. Jesus told us to pray that the kingdom of Heaven and the will of God come to Earth. We need some of this kind of love on earth. Where there are seeds of this kind of love, let’s water it so that it reaches maturity. When we are in places of authority in any area of our lives, may we work and live out of a higher love that is so beautifully portrayed for us in Heaven.

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