The higher we go the more important it may be to take smaller steps. Climbing mountain ranges requires smaller and more-sure steps as we approach the higher altitudes. When man walked on the moon, it was small steps for a man but giant steps for humanity. In our spiritual lives, maturity and longevity often calls for smaller and more-sure steps.
Sometimes a simple call or word from the Lord requires simple obedience. For Abraham it was a call to leave his kindred and home. He took the simple step and left behind a legacy of nations. He was without child when he started but was given the child of promise and nations followed. Elisha was called by Elijah to come with him. Elisha burned the plows and sacrificed the oxen he was working with. For a season, he simply followed the older prophet. He probably cooked, washed the old prophets feet and served him. However, he later received a double portion and did twice as many notable miracles as the one who anointed him to follow. The Children of Israel were told by Moses to kill a lamb and put the blood on their doorposts. Soon they were free and on their way to the promised land after 400 years of bondage. In the wilderness they were given manna and quail each day (except for Sabbath) and that was their simple provision. A cloud gave them direction by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the cloud moved they moved. When the cloud rested even for a long season, they stayed in that place. It was step by step - often - small steps.
The disciples heard Jesus call them by simply saying, “Follow me.” They left behind family, jobs, and plans. With a small step of just simply following him, they became the ones who turned the world upside down. Jesus told them that those who left houses, land, family, etc. would receive a hundred times as much in this life and in the eternal life. There would be persecutions but the results were great. (see Mark 10:29) In Luke 10, Jesus tells the disciples how simple it is to minister. They just needed to go to some cities, find a house, and announce peace. If there was peace, then they needed to eat and stay there. Then, they were to heal the sick and announce the coming of the Kingdom. Simple. So simple. Such small steps.
Small steps can take us into the destiny we were born to have. Small steps can bring great favor and open up abundant doors of grace. Stewardship can kick in and the small things we have been faithful in will lead to greater things. (see Luke 19 and the parable of the Landowner) When we come to a place where mystery is appreciated and we don’t have to have all the answers, we have arrived at a new level of maturity. At this level we will enjoy taking small steps. We will be satisfied to take one step at a time. It will deepen our trust and increase our intimacy with the Lord. It may be a simple word, scripture, or promise that we will hold dearly and with that go forward. Faith will increase as we rest and trust in the simple revelations. For some of us it will truly be “one day at a time” as the old song of the last century told us. However, it will be meaningful and we will learn to rest in Him in a way unlike anything we have ever known.
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