Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Full Reward

The great Moravian prayer was, “May the Lamb that was slain receive the full reward of His sufferings.” I want to focus on the part, “full reward”. We need to honor God with fullness of reward. We need to reward our Lord. We need to cast some crowns at His feet now. The full appropriation of the blood needs to be evident in our lifestyles. We need to visibly bear testimony that Jesus did not die in vain. We must be witnesses of the Resurrection!

Almost all believers accept the appropriation of the blood for salvation. For many, this is where it ends. However, the entire New Testament is saturated with what the blood of Christ has made available for us. Salvation, righteousness, sanctification and justification are just the beginning benefits. They are foundational. Heaven is the ultimate blessing. However, much is available for the journey. Provision has been made. It is accessible.

In our personal relationship with Christ, we need to exhibit the full reward of His sufferings. This is evident in our salvation. When we are saved, we enjoy the forgiveness He purchased for us. We are different. We are passionate about repentance, confession and discipline of our flesh. It is displayed in the peace we have that surpasses even our own understanding. We are able to be at peace in the midst of change and uncertainty. It is also displayed in His provision for us in every area of our lives. For example, understanding the full appropriation of the blood will cause us to speak health and healing into our bodies. It will cause us to take charge through the atonement of Christ... of every area of our lives. As our relationship matures with Christ, we realize more and more we are becoming mature Sons and Daughters of God.

As maturing sons and daughters of the Kingdom, we need to appropriate our spiritual inheritance. In these times, as the divide becomes greater between darkness and light I think many will come to a greater understanding of this. The times of Isaiah 60 are upon us. Great darkness is on the horizon but the glory of the Lord rises upon us. Believers will bear the glory of the Lord. It will illuminate us to shine like the sun in the Kingdom of our Father. (see Matthew 13:43) It will enlighten us to understand mysteries of the Kingdom reserved for this time. The understanding of these sealed mysteries, that have not previously entered the heart or the minds of man, are being revealed and are to be revealed by the Spirit of the Living God. (see I Corinthians 2:9) They are having and will have great impact upon the maturing sons and daughters of God.

This expression of light will result in a notable harvest of souls beyond anything previously seen. As believers carry this light they will offer salvation and hope as a redemptive provision of the crucified Lamb. Increased turmoil and stress in the world will open the door for multitudes to look for alternate help. Darkness and evil will escalate while the Kingdom of God will be revealed. Against a backdrop of darkness, the curtain will fall revealing the greatest manifestation of glory the world has ever known. We will truly recognize He has saved the best for last.

As we enter the “Cana Wedding” season, we will see every aspect of the kingdom manifested in greater measure. Miracles will happen in greater momentum. We will not stop and think about our previous days that seemed powerless. Instead we will allow the renewing of our minds and believe God like a child for the miracles needed. Just because our prayer wasn’t answered before, it will not hinder us from believing in a new and fresh way. Surrounded by the bitterness, everything will be sweeter to the taste.

The earth also cries out for the full appropriation of the blood. When the blood of Christ fell upon the ground of Calvary, the earth quaked and opened. The veil in the temple was rent. It’s hard to hold back the excitement of the earth. Sometimes it is hard to imagine the earth having feelings of excitement. I am sure it is a different kind of feeling but it is still a feeling. Romans 8 portrays the groaning of the earth, for the revealing of the mature sons and daughters of God - that portrays feeling. The last time I groaned, I remember having some pretty strong feelings behind it.

The full appropriation of the earth is explained in great detail in the Old Testament. Isaiah foretold much about restoration of the earth and its cities. The deserts and wilderness will become prosperous. Wasteland will take on purpose and bloom. There is no reason for any part of the earth to be useless. From the frozen lakes of the north to the beautiful oceans of the Pacific, there is purpose. From Siberia to the multitude of islands in the ocean there is wondrous purpose.

Consider where you live. There is a redemptive purpose for your region and your city. Take some time and research the history of your region or city. Ask God to show the purpose as you read. Sometimes an easy way to find out the redemptive purpose is to look at what the enemy has done, and envision the opposite. Satan cannot create anything but only pervert what has already been created by God. For example, if your city is under depression, God means for it to be a city of joy. If it is a city of poverty, God means for it to offer wealth to the world.

Living in the Appalachian Mountains, I have come to recognize some of the redemptive purposes of these mountains. I am aware of the poverty, ignorance, depression, and negativity. I am aware of the addiction and bondage. I am aware of the injustice of government. This awareness only tends to cause me to envision the real purpose of these mountains. Restoration in these mountains means many things to me. Allow me to share some of it with you. It is simple people, that love the Lord and the land, finding happiness and joy that is so contagious it sends a ripple throughout the earth. It is our dirges giving way to worship songs that will be heard to the ends of earth and time. It is truth coming to unlearned people that astounds doctors and lawyers of high degree. It is depression and negativity giving way to such hope that we will put signs at the entrance of our towns and cities heralding our hope. It is injustice being danced upon as we see the hand of God bringing it to light for all to see. Restoration is having the years that the locusts have eaten restored in an addict's life as he embraces new life through full appropriation of the blood of Christ.

Restoration in these mountains is seeing the beauty return that would make any psalmist weak in his knees. It is the water becoming pure again so that a child can drink from its mountain streams. It is the return of the elk and the animals that once ran upon the high places of the Appalachian Mountains. It is the nostalgia of a visitor that passes through thinking of how life was once peaceful and meaningful. It is the return of Inspiration. It is the return of dreams and visions. It is the return of hope in raising family and living in the fullness of Christ. It is all of this to me and much more. I will continue to understand it as I too grow into a more mature son of the Living God.

The Kingdom of God is characterized with peace, joy, and righteousness. As darkness runs a parallel momentum of evil, there will also be a display of evident light through believers awakened to new truth. Will you allow God to arise in you? Even better, will you allow Him to arise upon you? I believe we stand on the brink of the most significant season of church history. It is a season of a manifestation of Sons and Daughters of God who will do the works that Jesus did. This will be a new normal but an expected normal. There is an expectation of greatness. It is the only answer for the coming darkness. We need to accept and embrace this opportunity for we were born for such a time as this. These times will see the greatest demonstration of grace and appropriation of the blood ever known. We will awaken to the call so that Christ may receive the full reward for His sufferings. To do less would be shameful.

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