Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Five O'Clock Grace

As the manifest Presence of God invades these Applachian Mountains lives are being transformed. As new believers, and old believers who have surrendered to the transforma-tion come forth, what is expected of them? Do they need to go through all the programs, hear all the old teachings, and experience some failed attempts? Do they need lots of learning experiences to make them the strong believers they need to be? These are questions that are on our minds. This is something that we all have probably pondered. Don’t they need to go through all the things that we had to go through to make us what we are today?

In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus told a parable about the kingdom. A landowner hired workers for much needed vineyard work. The servants went out and invited workers to come at different hourly intervals. Some began working at 9:00, while others started at noon; some started at 3:00, and then some began at 5:00. They were all paid the same. The ones who came at 5:00 only worked one hour and didn’t bear the burden of the scorching heat (vs.12). This bothered the other workers and they thought this was really unfair.

Get ready Church for what really looks unfair. It’s 5:00 and there are those coming into the kingdom or awakening into kingdom truths that are going to have it easy. They will not have to bear the burden of the scorching heat. They will enter the blessings of those who have gone before them. Remember how Israel didn’t have to plant the first year they went into the new promised land. It had already been planted for them.

The Pioneers have gone before us. I live about 30 miles from my hometown and often need to go back there. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there because some wonderful engineers and workers have made a four-lane road over there. What if I decided not to use the roads and make my own road? I have a jeep and I can go over some rough terrain. I will need to cut a lot of trees and figure out some way to cross a river. I might get there in a few months in my jeep or I can just hike and get there in a couple of days. But, why do that when the way has been made easy? It might be a good adventure to hike, but it would be madness to try making a new road for the jeep and avoiding the roads already made. That’s my parable. Sometimes things get easier. We have entered the 11th hour.

We have heard Revelation 3 and the Laodicean church doctrine preached for years. This teaching tries to tell us that we have entered the last Church age in which we become a weak lukewarm Church. I personally don’t accept these two chapters of Revelation (chapters 2 and 3) as dispensations of Church periods. But even if I did, I would see that Jesus, through John, was warning us not to become lukewarm. He would not have been suggesting we become that type of Church. I don’t think the words, “end time” are even mentioned in these two chapters. This was a letter sent to the church of Laodicea in the first century. So, instead of pushing Revelation 3 and the weak Church idea, why not push the Glorious Bride Church of Ephesians or the Revelation Question of, “Who is this number that no man can number standing before the throne?” There are multitudes coming in from all the nations into the Kingdom in the end times. Spring rains and Autumn rains are going to both fall at the same time. He is going to pour His Spirit out upon all flesh. These are only a few references of great things for our times.

So why not push Matthew 20? The blessings of 11th hour grace are upon us. They have come to the Applachian Mountains. Just jump into the River, even though you didn’t make the River. Enjoy the sunrise even though you didn’t make the sun. Eat the harvest even though you didn’t plant it.

There will need to be major transformation of our minds. We are a society that still gets hung-up on works. Even though we sing about grace we struggle to live it. The very idea that Christian living could actually become easy chokes us. Each of us are called to bear our cross and much persecution is prophesied for the end-time. However, there is still rest in the midst of hard times. Hebrews talks so much of our entering the “Rest of God”. It’s allowing Him to do the things He wants to do, and we, like Mary, can just sit at His feet and enjoy Him. The Martha in us needs to sit down!

For example, I believe truth will be easier to attain as He pours out Revelatory Truth in abundance as we spend intimate time with Him. I believe healing will be easier as faith and trust arises. I believe programs and classes will give way to simple time at the Master’s feet. We can stop stressing over how to figure out and maintain the moves of God. The anointing will increase upon simple people who walk in humility before Him. Ministers and teachers won’t have to spend long hours of preparation but will receive major downloads in moments of time. Unsaved people will have “Damascus road” experiences and walk into our meetings telling how they met Jesus on the road. Believers will simply walk together and their hearts will burn inside of them and they will recognize Him in the breaking of bread. Communion and baptism is about to take on a whole new meaning as experience is married to knowledge and obedience. We will no longer spend countless hours trying to figure God out, but will find joy in the mystery of who He is. We will stop trying to maintain and store up and just eat the manna that falls from Heaven.

Why all this easy stuff? The landowner in Matthew 20:15 said, “I am generous”. That is the only excuse God needs. When questioned by those who had worked all day, this was the Landowners reply. It is God’s reply. Hear Him echo it down through the ages… “I am generous!”

Who can best receive such short-cuts to grace? It will be those who walk in humility and who are teachable and hungry. They will allow themselves to have their minds transformed. They will hear God and quickly walk in obedience and trust of the One they now love more than ever! There will be those who receive much who may seem unworthy to receive anything. They may not be as perfect as those who have worked all day. Their works are not as impressive. These are the people who will get zapped with grace. Many who think they deserve more will come up short because they trusted in their religious works. There will be people so overwhelmed by the power and grace of God that many will be offended thinking a more worthy person should have received the blessings. There will be those who stand empty handed because they trusted in their own righteousness.

In Luke 15 the Prodigal Son received 5 short-cuts to grace. His Father came out to meet him. He was given a robe. He was given a ring. He was given shoes. A party was thrown. The Father lifts his robes and runs to meet the Son. Father God has lifted His robes and runs towards us. The robe of His righteousness already and will continue to cover our filthy rags. The ring of Kingdom authority has been and will be put upon fingers of those thought to be unworthy. Shoes have been given and will be given to Sons of God. Sons were given shoes whereas servants had no shoes. There will be those who move from servant/works mentality to begin living as sons and daughters of God. And the Party…. I have no words to explain it!

I had a short dream this morning. I dreamed I was planting new vines in a cracked wall. I felt purpose and almost pride in how creative it looked. I was amazed at how quick the vines took root into the dry cracked wall. They were only small vines being transplanted, but they already had some fruit on them. It surprised me that the vines already had fruit. There were people watching the process and I discerned their thoughts. They were unsure these plants would live.

Get ready…. The 11th hour generation prepares to march. They march in cadence to the beat of a different drum. The 5:00 people are getting off from work. The roads are getting busy. It’s a spiritual rush hour! They don’t know or even care who made the roads they travel…. They are coming… They are coming to the mountains! How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring such great news!

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