Appalachian Visionary
Monday, November 7, 2011
Season of Rest & New Book
Friday, October 7, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Small Steps
The higher we go the more important it may be to take smaller steps. Climbing mountain ranges requires smaller and more-sure steps as we approach the higher altitudes. When man walked on the moon, it was small steps for a man but giant steps for humanity. In our spiritual lives, maturity and longevity often calls for smaller and more-sure steps.
Sometimes a simple call or word from the Lord requires simple obedience. For Abraham it was a call to leave his kindred and home. He took the simple step and left behind a legacy of nations. He was without child when he started but was given the child of promise and nations followed. Elisha was called by Elijah to come with him. Elisha burned the plows and sacrificed the oxen he was working with. For a season, he simply followed the older prophet. He probably cooked, washed the old prophets feet and served him. However, he later received a double portion and did twice as many notable miracles as the one who anointed him to follow. The Children of Israel were told by Moses to kill a lamb and put the blood on their doorposts. Soon they were free and on their way to the promised land after 400 years of bondage. In the wilderness they were given manna and quail each day (except for Sabbath) and that was their simple provision. A cloud gave them direction by day and a pillar of fire by night. When the cloud moved they moved. When the cloud rested even for a long season, they stayed in that place. It was step by step - often - small steps.
The disciples heard Jesus call them by simply saying, “Follow me.” They left behind family, jobs, and plans. With a small step of just simply following him, they became the ones who turned the world upside down. Jesus told them that those who left houses, land, family, etc. would receive a hundred times as much in this life and in the eternal life. There would be persecutions but the results were great. (see Mark 10:29) In Luke 10, Jesus tells the disciples how simple it is to minister. They just needed to go to some cities, find a house, and announce peace. If there was peace, then they needed to eat and stay there. Then, they were to heal the sick and announce the coming of the Kingdom. Simple. So simple. Such small steps.
Small steps can take us into the destiny we were born to have. Small steps can bring great favor and open up abundant doors of grace. Stewardship can kick in and the small things we have been faithful in will lead to greater things. (see Luke 19 and the parable of the Landowner) When we come to a place where mystery is appreciated and we don’t have to have all the answers, we have arrived at a new level of maturity. At this level we will enjoy taking small steps. We will be satisfied to take one step at a time. It will deepen our trust and increase our intimacy with the Lord. It may be a simple word, scripture, or promise that we will hold dearly and with that go forward. Faith will increase as we rest and trust in the simple revelations. For some of us it will truly be “one day at a time” as the old song of the last century told us. However, it will be meaningful and we will learn to rest in Him in a way unlike anything we have ever known.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Taking the Higher Ways
The Scriptures tell us that God dwells on High (see Isaiah 57:15). There is no question that His ways are higher than our ways. However, we are also invited to join Him in all that He is doing. This includes taking the higher ways. We can live the lifestyle of Heaven now. The Kingdom dwells within us as believers. We are not called to be just normal. We need to transcend.
Before the first coming of Christ the power of God came upon people. They received words, visions, and dreams at times. Some, like David and Elijah, reached beyond their time and walked in great power and anointing. The power of God was upon them. After the Resurrection of Christ, the power of God now resides and works within the believer. Everything has changed. The earth has never seen such a people. Even creation groans for us to be released into our full potential. It is no longer about a visitation of God; it is about enjoying His habitation with us. We are not asking for His presence, but resting in it and enjoying it in greater measure as we are awakened to the revelation of His ways. Things God has already done and decreed no longer need to be begged for. We need to step into His promises and declare the beauty of the Lord.
When the word high is used in scripture, it usually refers to a place where someone has transcended. In laymen terms, it means going beyond our previous place or experience. We are going higher because we are advancing to another level. These levels usually come because of revelation that the Spirit opens up to us. There are things that are almost unimaginable but God reveals them to us by His Spirit. So, the question is, are we willing to go beyond our previous experience? It is a choice. It is a mindset. It is an adventure.
In Luke 9, Jesus took three of His disciples upon a mountain we know as the Mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus took them outside their normal boundaries. He showed them things that were not normal for them. In those moments, Moses and Elijah appeared. Jesus Himself was transfigured before them and glistened in His Glory. They were amazed. Peter suggested staying there and building tents. His suggestion wasn’t accepted. When the moments were over they again descended down the mountain to a major problem as the other nine disciples were struggling to cast a demon out of a child. Although they descended they had transcended. They would never be the same. They had experienced something great, powerful and new. They were not to even speak of it until after the Resurrection. Peter wanted to stay there but Jesus knew there would be even greater experiences. We are never to remain with a great experience. We are to go forward. We must choose to allow God to take us beyond any previous experience. The cloud moved in the Old Testament to teach the Children of Israel that He was a God on the move. He is still ever so much on the move. His personality stays the same yesterday, today, and forever but His ways are always worth finding out. They are fresh and exciting as He is.
Are you up for the adventure? Do you want to go higher? Fear or satisfaction may cause us to balk. Fear can always take the best out of any adventure. Satisfaction with life as it is, usually ends up in boredom and regret that we didn’t take the chance to go different directions we could have taken. Holy Spirit stands ready to take us forward as revelation unfolds. Will you go beyond the previous experience? May we joyfully experience the higher ways of our God.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
When Eagles Fly ~ Part Five
In Revelation we are given a beautiful picture of what happens when we are given wings like that of an eagle. A woman is given two wings like that of a great eagle. She then flies into the wilderness to her place. There she is nourished for several seasons. She is protected from the enemy in a special prepared place. (see Revelation 12:14)
There is always a place prepared for God’s people. There are three major times in Scripture in which these prepared places stand out. First, Joseph invites his family to Egypt to a special place called Goshen. Here they were blessed while world-wide famine took place. They remained there for four hundred years until Moses led the people out. Even in Moses’ time and while judgments were falling, they were protected from the judgments. Second, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to Egypt for protection from an angry king wanting to kill all of the little boys. They remained there until the king died and then resettled in Galilee in the north. Third, there is this promise in the end time that God will prepare a place in the wilderness for His people - a place of nourishment and protection.
The wilderness may not sound like the best place to go. However, anything can be turned around for good. Things that were meant for bad can become a blessing. After all, we are the people that can see deserts turned into gardens. We are world changers. Our mission is all about transformation. We were created for hard places. We are fashioned in the hand of the Potter to be overcomers. We are a generation of strength. We are history makers.
In the Song of Songs, we have a picture of someone coming out of the wilderness. She is leaning on her beloved. This is a beautiful picture of the Bride of Christ. We come out leaning on Him. Every trial, struggle, or hard time should cause us to lean on Him. Anywhere or anything that causes us to lean can be a good place or good thing. Leaning on Christ is the result of being in a beautiful place of intimacy with Him.
In times like these…. we need to trust that the Lord has a special place for us. It is called “our place.” It is here that we find nourishment for times and times and half times. It is our season of nourishment. Like Goshen we are safe from judgments that are against sin. When the world is nervous, we have confidence. Alignment is important. We need to be real sure we are in the right place doing the right things. As the Holy Spirit has positioned us, we need to trust in His alignment and just stand. We will see the salvation of the Lord. We will see the strength of His victorious right hand. It is time to take up wings like eagles. The place we land may resemble a wilderness, but the joy will come as we walk out of that wilderness leaning on our Beloved Jesus Christ. Take courage when the world is stressing out. Make sure of your alignment and stand. This alone will be a great witness.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
When Eagles Fly ~ Part Four
Eagles Passing Through Trouble
In the later part of the 20th Century, eagles in America were close to extinction. After some years of special attention they were removed from the endangered list in 1995 and removed from the threatened list in 2007. As perfect as the picture may look, there are times when trouble comes. Following the last verse of Isaiah 40, about eagles mounting and not tiring, we enter the beautiful chapter of Isaiah 41 where there are problems. Isaiah records the word of the Lord as He says that there are none that are hearing. He also tells how there is no one to proclaim and declare the righteousness of the Lord.
Remember the perfect habitat for eagles is beautiful bodies of water, plenty of fish, and old nesting trees high in the mountains. In contrast, recovery centers behind nets isn’t as beautiful. Also, when there is a lack of fish, they often are compelled to go to landfills and eat out of the trash. When they are on the brink of extinction there are fewer sightings and everyone looses. When eagles are in trouble, recovery and restoration needs to happen.
It is the same way for believers. There are times when we are in trouble and if we choose to remain in that condition, we will suffer great loss. The Psalmist talks about walking through the valley of Baca (see Psalms 84:6). Although Baca isn’t an actual place, it is representative of times when we are in the pit of despair. It is when we experience difficulty in a painful place. We feel hopeless. The Psalmist tells how we must pass through it and also make it a well. We need to pass through our times of despair and leave behind a blessing. We need to pull a blessing out of every bad experience. We must transform deserts into gardens.
There were several reasons the eagle was close to extinction in America. Thinning of the shell of their eggs wouldn’t allow the baby eagle its needed time to hatch as a healthy little one. Pesticides for crops were causing the egg shells to become thin. Pesticides were also causing the eagles to become sterile and unable to lay eggs. There was also illegal shooting. Even the lack of suitable habitat caused problems to arise for the Eagle. But, with new laws to protect them and recovery places the eagles are now out of trouble.
In our spiritual lives we often experience seasons that almost take the life out of us. We need to pass through these seasons. We must resolve to not stay in the valley of Baca too long. Depression, self-pity and feelings of helplessness can cause us to stay longer than we should have. We need to come out of the wilderness leaning on our Beloved. We need to mount up and fly again. If we feel like we have been kept under a net, then rejoice that the net is lifting. Often what happens in the natural is a symbol of what needs to happen in the spiritual. As the eagles have passed through a close call, so have we.
The later part of the 20th Century saw lots of problems for the Church in America. Exposure of leaders, greed, division, pride, and a list too long to write, described the Church of the last century. Much like the eagle, we were in trouble even if we didn’t know it. We thought we were rich but really we were poor. Often we thought we were going forward with all our new programs when we were actually going backwards. It’s a new season. God has much mercy and grace. There is a new wind blowing. I have never met so many people who seem to be passionate about following Christ. More than ever I hear people talk about intimacy with Jesus Christ. It is no longer a Sunday thing but a life style. We are moving forward. Much like the eagle we are coming out to mount up again and fly. Let’s be encouraged.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
When Eagles Fly ~ Part Three
The perfect habitat for eagles is near a body of water where there is abundant food supply. There needs to be some old growth trees for nesting and good visibility. It is here that they find their safety from the things that would disturb the good place they have chosen. It is high in the mountains and it is where eagles fly.
The early pioneers to Appalachia often built higher in the mountains than people do today. They understood that there was a snake line in which poisonous snakes would not pass beyond. Usually, it was about 1200 feet above the level of the sea. The pioneers would work the fields in the valley and build their homes, schools, and churches higher. They lived above the snake line.
Abraham knew what it was like to live above the snake line. His nephew Lot chose the plains and valleys of Sodom and Gomorrah since they looked richer. Abraham resorted to the hill country. In Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s soul was vexed daily. There was much temptation and a worldly type of life. His home was eventually destroyed. Meanwhile Abraham enjoyed the daily presence of the Lord as He communed with Him daily. We might say that Abraham lived above the snake line. He lived like the eagle in a habitat of refreshment from Heaven. He enjoyed abundant food supply from the manna of Heaven. It was here that he raised his family and found much joy and laughter even in old age.
Life is better above the snake line. The Lord is Lord of Heaven and earth, but man has been given dominion of the earth. Somewhere in between satan is prince of the air. The enemy is only able to influence what we give him authority to influence. His voice is usually heard in the air waves that pass through our minds. This is why we need our minds renewed. We need to reject his tempting words and lies. We need to live above the snake line.
As it was with Abraham and Lot, we choose our places of livelihood. Sure, we must work in the valley where the world can easily influence our thinking, but we need a place to nest. We must seek out the cleft of the rock that the Lord has prepared for us. We need the secret place to renew our strength. It will be above the snake line as we climb the high places with God. It is where we will mount and be ready to fly to the valley below to fulfill our purposes as we touch our world. We are called to disciple nations. We are called to the market place. We are also called to the high place of communion with God where we renew our strength. It is our choice and a matter of discipline and wisdom. Will we choose to live above the snake line and fly like eagles fly?